Lewis Brackett (31 Aug 2013)
"Russia wants warm water seaports"


Russia wants warm water seaports

Nothing has changed in Russia in 500 years..... Since the time of Ivan the terrible and Peter the great Russia has Always lusted after warm water seaports... Russia has fought centuries long wars to attempt to obtain them, Most notably wars against the Turks. However, just when it seemed they were about to succeed, The merchants of London got upset that Russia might succeed and they would loose their monopoly. So the British and French navy’s drove the Russians back across the Black sea in the Crimean war in the 1860's.....

Since that time, every Russian govt has tried to get a foothold in Iran and to access the ocean there...

Unlike Western govt s, Russia’s plans stretch across decades, not just until the next election.... Russia seized Iran by the end of WW2, but Truman forced them out with a nuclear ultimatum in 1946....

Russia has been fuming ever since …..

Russia has signed treaty’s with Iran promising to “”aid them”” if the west attacks Iran... with the deceitful purpose of taking over the place permanently once there...

Russia’s latest decades long ploy is to assist Iran in building their nuclear reactor possibly to build nuclear weapons and to use Iran to control the worlds oil..

There is a much darker side however.... Knowing that Israel likely will attack Iran to destroy Iran’s nuclear sites, I am quite sure that the Russians will use that opportunity to launch several of their own nukes at Israel from Iran... Imho, the plan is that Israel will be destroyed, and Israel will launch nukes against Iran wiping them out... Then Russia can easily march south to the Persian Gulf unopposed and seize all that oil....

For the Russians its a Three—fer...... They kill the Jews, the Mosloms and the get all the oil.....

However, the forget about GOD...... And the fact that Israel will hold Russia responsible and will wipe out European Russia..... Joel 2:20

Lewis Brackett 8/30/13