Lewis Brackett (15 Aug 2013)
"Building Temples or Helping People"

Well, our delightful sister Cathy who has been struggling to help the down and out people here in San Diego is being shut down again.....

Two of her residents were misbehaving and refused to leave.... they believe that because of "black entitlement", (((search))) that Cathy has no right to throw them out.....(and the Police actually agree!!) and so they got the city involved and because of Political correctness and she had "too many"people there ??? (whatever that means) Cathys halfway house has to shut down....and people living there being helped will be back on the street or back in jail because they have no place to live(Their parole requires a residence)...

The thing that hurts her the most is that the pastor and the church want nothing to do with helping the people she is helping....many "Christians” look down their nose at her for helping ""them""Those people""
Instead the church will shortly begin a massive rebuilding campaign taking several years in stages costing at least a couple $million.....

instead of going out to the highways and hedges, The church is only ministering to those already in the church or those who chance to walk in.

It seems this is happening a lot these days..... pastors building cathedrals
as if more impressive churches will cause more people to come to church, join and tithe so even more people will come and bigger buildings can be built........... I think they have it backward......

Lewis B  San Diego.