Lauren (23 Aug 2013)

John and doves, Evidence mounts for a Hanukkah return, read on! Stay safe, Lauren
                                          IS THIS PROOF POSITIVE OF HANUKKAH RETURN

The "seventy Shavuots" of Daniel 9:24 that include the 62¯ and the 7¯ Feast of Weeks of Daniel 9:25-26, were determined on November 29, 1947 when the UN gave Israel the right to statehood.

Statehood was proclaimed some six months later on May 15, 1948. The first Shavuot of that prophetic "70" fell about a month later on June 13, 1948.

In Habakkuk 3:2 we recognize the significance of the midst of the weeks¯ where the prophet witnesses Daniel when he  doubled up on the phrase "midst of years", asking the LORD to "revive His work in the midst of the years, in the midst of years make it known". Habakkuk 3 is all about this return!

In Daniel 9:27a¦ we read, And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease¦.

From From May 19, 2010 to and including November 28, 2013 is 1290 days, filling in the gaps, from Shavuot 63 of Daniel 9:25-26 that fell on May 19, 2010 to and including Hanukkah, the day Comet ISON comes around the Sun on November 28, 2013 is 1290 days.

This 1290 day count fulfills the Daniel 12:11 count down to the day and these texts, Daniel 9:26b... Daniel 11:31 Yeshua was also referring to in Matthew 24:15

Daniel 12:11 From the time the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolation is set up there shall be 1290 days.

This is BEYOND THE REALM of coincidence that the "midst of¯ Daniel 9:27, and its last "7" Shavuots of years falls on Hanukkah, November 28, 2013, when Comet ISON reaches perihelion and rounds the Sun!

In the KJV, Habakkuk 3:11 calls what I believe Comet ISON, "the shining of your glittering spear" and in 3:3-4 we read of His glory covering the heavens and His brightness was as light¯


From Shavuot 63, MAY 19, 2010 to June 7, 2011 = Year 1

From Shavuot 64, JUNE 8, 2011 to May 26, 2012 = Year 2

From Shavuot 65, MAY 27, 2012 to May 14, 2013 = Year 3

From Shavuot 66, MAY 15, 2013, the Midst of this Sabbatical Week of 7¯, NOVEMBER 28, 2013

From Shavuot 66, MAY 15, 2013 to June 3, 2014 = Year 4

From Shavuot 67, JUNE 4, 2014 to May 23, 2015 = Year 5

From Shavuot 68, MAY 24, 2015 to June 11, 2016 = Year 6

From Shavuot 69, JUNE 12, 2016 to May 30, 2017 = Year 7

The fulfillment of the six Messianic requirements¯ of Daniel 9:24 occur before or on Shavuot 70, May 31, 2017

Notice that Shavuot 66 fell exactly on Sivan 6, and the 66th anniversary that determined¯ the right to Israel's statehood will occur at sundown on November 28, 2013.

From November 29, 1947 to November 29, 2013 is 66 years.

The Ezekiel 33:6 watching one, REPENT The Kingdom of God and the authority of His Messiah is at hand