JW (29 Aug 2013)
"Marilyn Agee,,,Departed not Falling away."

2 Thessalonians 2:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: [g]for that day shall not come, except there come a departing first, and that [h]that man of sin be disclosed, even the son of perdition.
1599 Geneva Bible
I think "falling away" in 2TH 2:3 should be "departing," as in 8 Bibles translated into English before the KJV.
Ola Ilori (25 Aug 2013) "THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN!!!"     Ola, you do a great job and I love your posts!
Hi Marilyn,
It’s been many years since I read your first book, we spoke on the phone and you sent a copy of your unfinished second book.
I totally agree with you and so do many other respected scholars, that “falling away” should have been translated as “departed”. It totally changes the meaning of this particular scripture.  Some hinge their whole end-time tribulation theory on this particular scripture.
Patrick Heron addressed this issue very well in his excellent video .     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WykNfNq12Us&feature=share&list=UUg4X0OjVHJSiLg-KtDI50pw
All are extremely well done and I encourage all to watch. I should have said must watch.
 Rapture or no Rapture.
I trust we will be dining together very, very soon. The rapture before the tetrads, then the comet, Damascus,,,,,