Jan J (15 Aug 2013)
"Short Dream"


Several posts struck a chord in me about the urgency of the hour and the soon-ness of the Rapture.  Yes, it must be very, VERY
soon....as everything is lining up just as the Lord said it would and JUST before His return! ! ! 
Short term 'human' plans - yes, but keep looking UP for our Lord and walking in obedience and closeness to HIM.
I had a short dream the morning of Aug. 11....I am not sure what it means, but it was profound:
I saw a map (as if above the earth looking down) of the USA and Canada, but the focus was upon Canada.
Somewhere above Seattle ...the general area, there was to
be a big quake.  It started there, but then suddenly it was as if the whole
earth shook at once......the earth dropped down from under my feet,
about 2 to 4 feet or so and then back up under my feet. I was still okay.
Now, just before all this, it seems like I was at a feast with several people and we were dining and enjoying one another's company. So the idea
was that things were 'as usual' and then this quake. But now I wonder
if maybe it wasn't symbolic of the marriage supper of the Lamb and
the quake was after the Rapture.  And yet I'm fervently praying to be
in the Rapture, of course...maybe from heaven I felt the huge quake.
All speculation, on this dream.
Waiting for our Lord,
Jan J