Jacque Neff (31 Aug 2013)



When I first read GM's post about the different ideas regarding Nicole Poons sketch "7/4, 9/6", and the other post called "Torah for Shabbat Shuva", I got downright excited! For starters, I am not very versed on the Jewish Holy days, and pretty much don't know for sure what they all mean. But just 3 days ago on Aug 26th, I was in prayer- and was quietly meditating on The Lord, when I DISTINCTLY heard this--" THE GREATEST SHABBAT HISTORY HAS EVER KNOWN"---When I heard this spoken, my attention was captivated by it. Let me clarify, the word SHABBAT wasn't something I was really familiar with and I wasn't sure what Shabbat meant. My prayer's at time I heard this, were on the current state of affairs over in the Middle East.
So In order to recall this so I could write it down, I REPEATED IT OVER AND OVER in the back of my mind until I was through with my devotions. I have tendencies to forget things, if I don't write them down, because I knew this must be IMPORTANT. I was anxious to look up what SHABBAT meant, and thinking it was a Jewish holiday, I googled "Jewish Calender". I didn't see any holiday called SHABBAT. But after typing in "SHABBAT meaning", I read that it is a Sabbath Holy day. Then I looked at all the up coming Jewish Holy days to see if any landed on a Sabbath, and didn't see any. That's when I thought maybe I was given this as a clue to something BIG to happen soon. Then today when I read these 2 postings, I got so excited! I have never heard of SHABBAT SHUVA, and then to find it means "Sabbath of Return"! Good job GM for finding that! I think this could mean something is about to TRANSPIRE!!! Lets keep our eyes open, our hearts pure, and above all, KEEP YOUR LAMP FULL!!