Gail (29 Aug 2013)
"Roseann, hebrew letter TET"

Hi Roseann,
I've posted this before, the coming wars that the jewish state faces are indeed a semblance (a likeness, image, or copy) of Israel's history.  Ecc.1:9- The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
You mentioned correctly that the United States was not aiding Israel in the 1967 6-day war. 
In fact, France and the USA had without warning, slapped an arms embargo on Israel.
And here is a sobering bite of the gravity Israel faced-
In 1967, at Israel's most critical juncture ever, while facing a seven-nation military coalition dedicated to her extermination, outnumbered on three fronts, isolated in the world - at that time, the Israeli army's supreme commander was a traitor, who had consciously and deliberately collaborated with the enemy in a time of war in 1948.
Yitzhak Rabin demonstrated his lack of grasping reality on Independence Day, the 5th of Iyyar 1967 (May 15th 1967) in a press conference, where he proclaimed that he "foresees a long period of peace between us and our Arab neighbours."
By the grace of God, Rabin suffered a nervous breakdown on the 17th of Iyyar (May 25th 1967), and was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward in Israel, and was unable to prevent the pre-emptive strike that the jewish state so desperately needed to make in June.
What won the war in June 1967 was the supernatural component.
And history repeats in Psalm 83, & Ezekiel 38.
He's prepping Israel for 'The Time of Jacob's Trouble,' 42 months in length. 
And 'Jacob's Trouble' entails much gravity for Jews/Christians the World over.
The Propaganda machine, the muslim mouthpiece(Al Jazeera), is being fitted into place right now, August 2013- onward.
Here is what the history of Israel's 6-day war teaches us regarding the arabs, and their lack of truthfulness about 'all things Israel'-
[from Oren's Six Days of War, p 226.]

The Arabs claimed America was helping Israel because it was the only way to save face in light of Israel's overwhelming victory. Israeli intelligence taped a conversation between Egypt's President Nasser and Jordan's King Hussein in which Nasser asks,
"Will we say that the US and Britain [are attacking] or just the United States?" Later in the conversation he says, "By God, I will make an announcement and you will make an announcement...that American and British airplanes are taking part against us from aircraft carriers...."
The Israelis, then provided the tape to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was furious and referred to the Arab claims as "The Big Lie."   
The US did not begin providing military aid to Israel until *after* the 1967 war. 
In 1967, Israeli planes were French, their tanks were French and British, and some were US WW2 surplus.
And in May 1967, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser received false intelligence reports from the Soviet Union that an Israeli attack on Syria was imminent.
That's history, DISINFORMATION galore abounded prior to
and long thereafter, because the arabs were not going to report the truth, that God was on Israel's side.  

The Hebrew Letter Tet = 9 and represents Introversion - the Concealed Good
What concealed good is on it's way?  And what travail does the world plunge into prior to redemption? 
This time sees an eerily reenactment of June 1967, with a little tweaking.
Isaiah 17 isn't Psalm 83, it only serves as a precursor to the arab uproar Al Jazeera helps broadcast against America.
The Tet Offensive the U.S. faces this time will be North Korea, as well as those lying arab nations.
Remember the U.S. military's pivot to Asia?
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel-
The U.S. Department of Defense has been subject to $37 billion in sequestration cuts from March through September 2013. 
The cuts in pay & manpower may contribute to a reduction in the skilled staff that is needed to maintain the U.S. Military’s readiness and alert.
A Failure to Intercept
The Pentagon’s defense program against intercontinental ballistic missiles from adversaries like Iran and North Korea had another failed test this month.
The advanced missile interceptor launched on July 5 failed to hit its target over the Pacific Ocean, for the third consecutive time.