Don Flowers (31 Aug 2013)
"Attack Syria or baiting Israel?"

It has become clear to be there is much more at work in this so called Syria crisis than meets the eye.  We have telegraphed our every move.  The UN inspections are a joke. What evidence do they expect to find after days of delay?  Syria has surely moved all troops and chemical munitions from all targeted areas.  We even tell them how many sites we are targeting!  Come on, do they think we are that stupid?  It’s all a grand play for show as usual.


We don’t want to destroy any real Syrian assets.  It’s all a big drama played out for the Labor Day audiences.  First off the Arabs have learned enough over the years than to attack Israel outright.  Even the Israelis would gain a miniscule outpouring of public sympathy in that case.  Rather there must be an “excuse”.  Obama will provide that “excuse” right on cue.  We will launch a few cruz missiles on an insignificant target – we likely will precede the attack with a phone call to Assad telling him what and when.  Then Syria, Hezbollah and company retaliate against Israel feeling justified in the worlds eyes and Obama and his brotherhood bedfellows hope Israel will over-react creating the pretext for an all out Arab attack on Israel.  This time the New World order may mis-calculate and find Syria’s capital a sea of smoldering glass care of the IDF.