Raul D  (31 Aug 2012)
"All of Dream now told and more revelations"

Greeting Doves,

In early June 2012 my daughter had a dream, and now I can tell it all. First she seen either two tornados or hurricanes, then she was shown 3 submarines and on the outside of them she seen a head of a bear and next to it a head of a wolf, then 3 missiles came out of the subs and one missile hit NYC, the other two missiles hit two other cities they are not known. She seen the nuclear  explosions in 3  American cities, and much death and blood, and then she seen Obama in  the white house Oval office. 

One explosion location i know because she said was in a city that had a statue, then i showed her a picture of the statue of Liberty and she told me that is it. I personally believe and I could be wrong, Hurricane Isaac is 1 of the 2 hurricanes/tornados she seen, before the nuke strikes.

also i read the verse below and asked

Rev 6:14 KJV And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Did you see God open up the heavens, she said no. It was the bomb explosions ( NUKES ) that opened the sky. 

And in this verse below she sees satan before the fall as a beautiful angel with 4 wings, blonde hair and blue eyes. 

Isaiah 14:12 KJV How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

if im allowed later on i will reveal the season of the rapture, that my daughter seen when i read to her the rapture verses, as of now i can't.
God Bless
Raul D