Randy (31 Aug 2012)
"The WORST story I have ever heard.....THIS is why I long for heaven!"

Today on Christian radio I heard a very short story from Joni Ericson Tada (spelling?).... went like this:
There were 2 wonderful young girls in Bhagdad......and both of them had Downs Syndrom.  So they didn't get out in public very much.....
But one day they had the chance to go to the Market......
So, they got dressed up and were excited to be able to go.
When they got there, one girl was told to go see the animals.
The other was told to go over to the vegetables...
Moments later.......the bombs that were strapped to these girls were detonated.........
Not only did they die, of course....but 70 other people were killed as well........
THIS is why I LONG FOR HEAVEN..........
I LONG to be in a sin free world....where things like this can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!
PS...... I hope there is SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL for the people who chose to use these young girls in this way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PPS......I believe it was Stalin who said, "One death is a tragedy.  1 Million deaths is a statistic."
My comment...
EVERY VIOLENT DEATH at the hands of another person......is a TRAGEDY!