Neil Lipken (4 Aug 2012)
"A vivid, powerful End Time dream on July 31st------the Rapture draws near!"

For the past 20 years or so I have had a recurring dream, probably at least 200 times!  I am always in medical school, and always want to transfer to dental school.  In real life I actually was in medical school, and after 2 1/2 years did transfer to dental school and ultimately became an orthodontist.  I never understood the dream, and over time became very annoyed by it.  Finally in the spring of 2011 the Lord showed me what this dream meant.  Medical school represents this world, in which we as Christians do not belong (we are simply passing through once we receive Christ (Israel's long-rejected Messiah) as our Lord and Savior).  Philippians 3:20 states, "For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ."  I was never cut out in this life to be a physician, but it was perfect for me to be an orthodontist.  Medical school again represents this world, in which I do not belong.  Dental school represents the coming world, Heaven, in which I do indeed belong!  The Bible is also very clear that once we know Christ we are not to love the things of this world (1 John 2:15-17).

This past spring I had two most interesting dreams.  In the first (March 22nd) I was enrolled to begin classes in medical school.  It was a Saturday, and the classes were to begin on Monday.  I was frantic in the dream to try to get to someone (and on Saturday no one was available!) to try to switch my classes to dental school for the following Monday morning.  I was most frantic to get those classes changed, and then I woke up.  Upon waking it became very clear to me that the dream was an indicator that the time is now very short till the Rapture and our exit from this world.  Then on May 20th I had a dream that I had never had before.  Always in these dreams I was in medical school, and yearning to transfer to dental school.  But on May 20th for the first time ever (with 20 years or so of these dreams), I was at last in dental school and very content!  I had arrived!  This dream also told me that the time now to the Rapture is very short!

Early in the morning on Tuesday, July 31st I had the following very vivid, and very inspiring dream.  This dream was not about medical school or dental school.  Instead I was enrolled to begin fall classes at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.  I was enrolled to take a very heavy course load, and I also was planning to work part time.  For some reason my very first class was to be in a building off campus out in the country some distance from Bloomington.  I had the directions, so I was driving out in the country to go to my very first class.  I turned down a road quite confident that I was accurately following the directions, but after awhile I began to realize that I might be on the wrong road.  Suddenly I came to an extremely beautiful place.  There were large hills, beautiful meadows intermixed with clumps of trees, and a large lake.  People were everywhere, all very festive and having a good time.  I was thinking in the dream that I had never seen such a beautiful place in Indiana before, and marveled that such place existed in Indiana.  I got out of the car, and asked some of the very happy people what this place was.  They told me that a very wealthy businessman had provided this place for their pleasure.  A nagging feeling came upon me that I had been on the wrong road, and that I must get back in the car and go back and try to find my class.  Then I woke up.

Almost instantly I realized the full impact of this dream.  I had plans in the FALL to take a heavy course load at Indiana University.  These were my worldly plans, and there was much to do especially with also taking a part time job.  But there were other plans for me that I did not know about.  A WEALTHY BUSINESSMAN had prepared a place for me to be instead, a place of extreme beauty and a place of rest and enjoyment.  Instead of finding myself in the classroom in the FALL, I found myself in this beautiful place.  My worldly plans for myself did not happen, I was instead in this spectacular place!

The hour is late in these End Times.  After an absence as a free, independent nation for 2669 years (back to 721 BC), Israel returned in 1948 and is now 64 years old.  The potential for a huge Middle East war is now brewing.  Iran is hardening their underground nuclear facilities to be immune from "bunker buster" bombs.  Israel can only wait for so long before they must move against Iran's nuclear facilities or it will be too late.  Bashar Assad of Syria is locked in a civil war.  He is an ally of Iran, and has brought his chemical and biological weapons out of storage.  Iran and Syria are also controlling Hezbollah in Lebanon (which has at least 30,000 missiles pointed at Israel), and Hamas to the south in the Gaza Strip is also allied with Iran and Syria.  Iran has threatened that if anyone attacks their nuclear facilities, they will lob missiles on the Saudi oil fields and try to close the Straits of Hormuz (20 to 40% of global oil flows through there).  The U.S. now has several aircraft carriers south of Iran, and Russia, NATO, and the U.S. have sent ships off the northern coast of Syria.  Syria a few weeks ago shot down a Turkish military jet, and the Turks have gone to a high state of military readiness, as have the Saudis.  It has been rumored many times that the Saudis have been allowing Israeli jet fighters to land at a base in northern Saudi Arabia in preparation for the coming war with Iran.  The whole Middle East is now at a very high alert.  One small incident could send the whole region up in war.  Russia and China have made it very clear that they back Iran and Syria.  The Saudis have moved their military to be in position to protect Jordan from any Syrian aggression.

Meanwhile the American media spends its time on Jerry Sandusky, Trayvon Martin, the Colorado shooting, the Olympics, and the Romney / Obama campaign.  Most Americans, too busy getting their kids to soccer practice, do not realize the grave danger brewing in the Middle East.  Much as the days before Pearl Harbor when most Americans were slumbering, and unaware of what was about to happen.

The Bible is very clear about the times we are living in.  Matthew 24:37-39 states, "For the coming of the Son of Man (Rapture) will be JUST LIKE the days of Noah.  For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage (in other words, life was very normal!), until the DAY that Noah entered the ark (parallel to the soon Rapture in our times), and THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND until the flood came and took them all away (sudden destruction); so shall the coming of the Son of Man be (Rapture)."

Please feel free to send this e-mail far and wide if you wish.  The time is short.  As many people as possible need to be warned!  

Romans 10:9 & 10 states, "....if you confess with your mouth Jesus (Israel's long-rejected Messiah) as Lord, and BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be SAVED (from Hell and later the Lake of Fire); for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in SALVATION."

Romans 10:12 states, "For there is NO DISTINCTION between Jew and Greek (gentile); for the same Lord (Jesus or Yeshua) is Lord of all, abounding in riches for ALL WHO CALL UPON HIM."

Neil Lipken
Jewish Christian and teacher of end time Bible prophecy for over 32 years