Michael Colunga (31 Aug 2012)
"Craziness! Dreams and Situations! Megaquake coming!"

Hello, John and Doves,
Nicole, you just go ahead and wash those "jojoba" witlesses right out of your hair!  LOL
Mike C.
Nicole (28 Aug 2012)
"Craziness!  Dreams and Situations!  Megaquake coming!"

On August 27th, 2012 my son had a dream.   This dream was that there was a HUGE earthquake and the Hollywood sign came toppling down.  He saw a SERPENT come out of the ground and he saw asteroids coming with fire.   I am led to believe that this megaquake is the birth of the tribulation....all the other quakes were the birth pains.   And the serpent created this earthquake through manipulation of HAARP....however I do not believe the earthquake was totally created by the serpent due to so many things going on in the Heavens, but it was ENHANCED by HAARP.  

If you see this quake happen in LA, know that we are raptured!   Hopefully everyone else will be raptured at the same time?   Don't know!  Prepare to meet thy God!

On August 27th, 2012 I dreamed that I was escaping a house with my son, my newborn and my dogs, holding their hands and running.   The woman of the house said, YOU CAN COME BACK HERE AFTER MIDNIGHT.   Then I saw an enormous, enormous dragon flying around the house.   I am led to believe that this house was not my home, it was Earth....the woman was Israel telling me to go....and the dragon was about to take on the woman. 

August 27th 2012:   Major spiritual warfare...my husband's schizoprhenic son out of New Jersey who is hospitalized kept calling him over and over this morning.   All he talks about is that he will be good and he wants to live with us in California.   NO WAY!   He does not know right from wrong and he would molest and/or kill my children.   My husband had to sleep with his door locked at night when he lived with him as a child.   Also, had Jehovah's Witnesses show up at my doorstep.  I have signs on my door that say NO SOLICITING and no soliciting of religion.   I HATE THEIR RELIGION!   I hate any religion that minimizes Jesus to a brother of lucifer, an angel like Michael, an ascended master, a prophet.   I WON'T PUT UP WITH IT.   Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN, the ONLY WAY TO THE FATHER, and HE IS THE SON OF GOD, AND IN FACT GOD IN HUMAN FORM!