Judith (4 Aug 2012)
"The departure of the Shekinah Glory and how it may relate to an August 5 Rapture "

Doves - I posted the first part of this study last year, only now I have found the most interesting
teaching on the Shekinah Glory that relates to the church and that may add credible evidence
to what could be an August 5/6 Rapture date.
In Ezekiel 8:1; 9:3; Ch. 10 we are given the account of when the Shekinah Glory
departed the Temple. This historical event occurred during the 1st Deportation
of the Babylon Captivity precisely in the sixth year of Jehociachin's reign in the
sixth month (counting from March to August) on the fifth day - August 5, 605 bce.
My question is could the Church (the temple of Christ) be removed with the Holy
Spirit on the same date as the above?
Below are some interesting thoughts pertaining to the Shekinah Glory":
"Comment: Ponder (meditate on) this truly awesome thought for a moment - the Shekinah Glory of God in us as Christ followers! How can we comprehend such mystery and majesty? And yet it is our privilege to show forth the Shekinah glory for all the world to see! How? Answer: Our "good (God) works" (Mt 5:16-note, Phil 2:14,15-note), works initiated and wrought by the Holy Spirit in the abiding (Jn 15:5), surrendered, yielded, filled (Eph 5:18-note), empowered saint, the saint who is making the moment by moment choice to walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:16-note)! (cp 2Cor 3:5,6-note)".
"The presence of the Holy Spirit is also a representation of the Shekinah as when the Spirit descended and remained on Jesus (Jn 1:33) and at Pentecost the Spirit came down and rested on the 120 disciples appearing  to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them” (Acts 2:3)".
Keep looking up - we'll be home soon.