Joan (4 Aug 2012)
"To Gerlinda:   "I was one of those children""


Shalom Gerlinda,
I read your letter today and hadn't seen Tracy Dee's post about the story and the song so I went back and found it.   It so touched my heart to read it and then hear the song and think about you being one of the children.
I am just getting ready now to go to Erev Shabbat at our congregation tonight and then will be going to our Shabbat service tomorrow.   When we sing the Sh'ma it will be so very meaningful to me, more than ever before.   YHWH's timing is always perfect and it is interesting to me that
the Torah portion this week includes the Sh'ma.
Gerlinda, thanks for sharing this and thanks also to Tracy Dee.
Love and blessings,