Jim F (31 Aug 2012)
"Attention All Doves and Watchers...URGENT!!!"


Praying today I was lead with tears by the Holy Spirit with this message!
Calling all Doves, and Watchers to FOCUS our thoughts and PRAYERS for the Lost of the WORLD to REPENT and Receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to escape the Wrath to come and eternal HELL!
Please let's stop guessing when Jesus will Rapture us (Collectively Doves and Watchers are batting 0%!!!) we just know it's soon really soon!
1. Last Tetrad for Hundreds of years
2. Arab Spring and on Brink of Middle East War!!!
3. Economic Condition of the World
4. Weather and Earth Quake patterns
5. Social decline with addiction to drugs and Pornography
6. Disregard of Human Life and Abortion
and so much more!
I don't know when we will be Raptured but the Holy Spirit says that Christ's 2nd coming will be Hinged to Planet Earth's Final TETRAD!
We believers are Temples of Light for the Holy Spirit. Let's focus our beam's of Light to the throne of God and ask God that he give every soul here on Earth ONE MORE CHANCE to REPENT of their Sins and ACCEPT Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior before the eminent Great Tribulation Begins.
We can't reach 7 BILLION people but the Holy Spirit can!
Let's all focus Our Thoughts and Prayers for the Lost souls here on Earth before Jesus calls us Home!
Jim F
Thanks for your ministry John