Gerlinda (4 Aug 2012)
"Frank: what it looks like - picture provided"

    Jerusalem: Dome of the Spirits
Actually Frank, it looks like a simple sketch of what the Dome of the Rocks looks like with it's 9 ( ?) pillars, which is just south of the smaller Dome of the Spirit which is considered the real site of the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mt.  I fouund a couple of pictures of both to help picture this.
I think Nichole's drawing Is rather clever drawn since if seen from the south isde of the Dome of the Rock, and the Solid WAlls were REMoved, you would see the much smaller Dome of the Spirits just several to the north of it..  By the WAy, that Dome of the Spirits, believed to be the authentic site of the Holy of Holies Is In direct line to the Golden Gate through which the High Priest had to be able to see directly from the Mt. Of Olives where the sacrifice had to take place.  I do not recall which sacrifice but think it may have been the one of Yom Kippur.  Please correct me if needed.  Hope this helps.   Gerlinda
I wonder if any of you out there have seen a building like this?
Perhaps it just means entering into government power.
I believe the dragon is about to take over
So that would mean rapture soon
I don't know if persecution comes before that.
But maybe a start.
The 4 angels or the winds may have let go of this creature
When that happens, trouble