Frank R Molver (4 Aug 2012)
"prophetic rapture sketches, soon but not when you think"

The world is spinning out of control
So many things happening
God wants us to turn our thoughts to him
patiently waiting for his promise
A prayer from God as he sees us
In all the distraction, keep your eyes focused on Him
The light shines through that and covers us
Get in the boat
tea is served
1 August 2012
I asked God for His soon return,i told God,do not let Your people lose hope.God showed that I was looking at a motor game spinning in a high speed.I guess God's meaning: This world run in a high speed now,i also have had my eyes fixed on that.
1 August 2012/ I thanked God for His teaching through Bible,we should live a life worthy of the calling we have received.This world is enjoying the speed,we should be patient and waiting for Him.God showed i was holding a spinning leaf floating in the air with others.
2 August 2012/
I told God,many enjoy these vision drawings very much and be encouraged by that,and I asked God for a vision for Nicholas that she loves.God showed a red and pink flower with two crystal balls linked,one reflected many who were worshiping are the ones enjoy these vision drawings,another one reflected Jesus stretching out His hands receiving.
2 August 2012/I asked God for the meaning of previous vision and giving us a joyful heart.God showed a pen hit the red dot of a target.This reminded me of the cross with red dot.I guess God's meaning: We have hit the target as what Frank said.
28 July 2012/
I prayed for the same,God showed a huge light cross with a red dot on its center,a light yellow light shinning through the red dot upon us.My friend he felt the meaning:God have heard my prayer.
29 July 2012/
I asked the Holy Spirit for leading and teaching in our Bible studies.God showed that i was rowing a boat with some people in breezee,the boat looked like a bowl.

29 July 2012/
I asked God for His soon coming,God showed this time we were under a spaceship and i was the first one to climb up the ladder that have two light beams at both side.