Carl Worline (31 Aug 2012)
"Is It Just Me?????"


Hi Everybody,
Is it just me??  I am finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate, especially on the rapture and when it might occur.  Maybe it is just me.  The signs are coming so fast now and I am trying to spend time each day trying to put it all into perspective.  I often go to Starbucks (or places like Starbucks) and sit for an hour, or two, and just try to take a step back and try to concentrate on the most recent signs.  The problem is that no matter how hard I try I just cannot seem to concentrate.
It seems like the birth pangs are coming so fast that the child just has to come forth at any moment.  Just look at the huge up-tick in every single category.  Earthquakes, volcanoes, wildfires, pestilence, mass animal die-offs, strange sounds in nature, people hearing trumpet blasts, the current wars that are going on, the rumors of war (especially against Israel), the political situation in the world, signs in the sun, signs in the moon (we have another tetrad of blood moons due soon), signs in the stars that are going on right now, the weird weather (not to mention Hurricane Isaac striking on the 7th anniversary of Katrina), the way Obama is molding our foreign policy to get himself elected by telling Israel to wait until after his election to defend themselves from Iran, the floods in India right now, the floods in so many other places going on right now as well, the drought in the US and the rest of the world, the way the world's food supply is under attack from every conceivable direction, the way fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce all over the world, the huge up-tick in persecution of Christians all over the world (and especially in the middle east), the huge up-tick is so many horribly evil acts and the way people's hearts are growing cold, the incredible viciousness of the homosexual agenda, the incredible viciousness of the atheist community, and the list just keeps going on and on and on.
Every time I think it can't get any worse, it gets worse.  Today I read that a bill just passed the California Legislature and is going to the governor for his signature that will make it a crime for a parent to "cure" homosexual tendencies in children.  There are even reports in the news of people being crucified in Egypt.  Christians in Pakistan are living in the forests out of fear for their lives.
I am honestly trying to get a grasp on what is really happening.  The harder I try the harder I find it is to concentrate.  On the one hand it seems like we are in the very last of the last days, and Rosh Hasanah is less than 3 weeks away.  On the other hand, every single generation has thought they were the last generation.  After all, that is why Paul wrote his second letter to the Thessalonians.  They thought they had missed it, and that was way back then.
I would really like to know if anybody out there is having the same trouble trying to concentrate on this and put it all into perspective.
Carl Worline