Roberto (29 Aug 2011)
"Urgent !"

Dear John Tng and Precious Doves,   First post here on Doves, thank you all for this precious site !           The Lord has been prodding me to share this urgent message.   In a dream I see a huge valley with harvesters working. In the distance a storm is building.  The day is far spent and the harvesters are too few.  A worker in the foreground turns around and looks directly at me and says Luke 10; 2 .   He turns back and continues with his urgent task.  I then woke up.       Upon reading Luke 10 ;2  we can see clearly the onus is on us to pray to the Lord of the harvest so that He will take  up the task of sending out workers into the harvest.    All He asks is for us to pray with a spirit of mercy and compassion for all those lost souls, exercising our faith in Jesus Christ the Lord of the harvest and He will do it ! ! ! ! ! ! !          Doves this is URGENT ! ! ! !    Pray this prayer all day every day until the blessed rapture !             God Bless you All.            Love,  Roberto.
Welcome to the Doves, Roberto!