Robert Belanger (29 Aug 2011)
"Timewave Zero Graph"

Dear Doves,
The predictions of the Maya regarding Dec. 21, 2012 are well known.Using a computer program, the late philosopher and scientist Terence McKenna, originator of the Timewave Zero, or Novelty Theory formulated a stock market-like graph, that depicted a rising and falling line based on patterns from the I-Ching. This model based on the pairs of hexagrams of the I Ching independently predicst the end of time, as we  know it, on the same day, month and year. This graph was previously discussed in 2010 here by Ron Reese.
The graph of the Timewave Zero function shows Novelty on the vertical axis vs time on the horizontal axis. As the function decreases then "novelty" increases and vice versa. The graph for the period 2008-2012 can be obtained at the following link:  This graph is also attached to this message so you can read it for yourself.
Examining this graph shows that the end of Sept. and start of Oct. shows the curve flattens out indicating a decrease in novelty. The curve then rises until April of 2012 when it decreases until 12/21/2012 where it stops.The graph seems to correlate with some of the rapture prediction dates being circulated on this site such as September 28 for the Rosh Hashanha rapture and the closest approach of Elenin and the possibility of earthquakes.

From Wikipedia we learn:
"Timewave zero" is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of "novelty", defined as increase over time in the universe's interconnectedness, or organized complexity. According to Terence McKenna the universe has a teleological attractor at the end of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching a singularity of infinite complexity in 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur simultaneously. He conceived this idea over several years in the early to mid-1970s while using psilocybin mushrooms and DMT

"McKenna expressed "novelty" in a computer program which purportedly produces a waveform known as "timewave zero" or the "timewave". Based on McKenna's interpretation of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching the graph appears to show great periods of novelty corresponding with major shifts in humanity's biological and sociocultural evolution. He believed that the events of any given time are recursively related to the events of other times, and chose the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date of November 2012. When he later discovered this date's proximity to the end of the 13th b'ak'tun of the Mayan calendar, he revised his hypothesis so that the two dates matched.

"The first edition of The Invisible Landscape refers to 2012 (but no specific day during the year) only twice. It was only in 1983, with the publication of Sharer's revised table of date correlations in the 4th edition of Morley's The Ancient Maya, that each became convinced that December 21, 2012, had significant meaning. McKenna subsequently included this specific date throughout the second edition of The Invisible Landscape, published in 1993."