Fay (28 Apr 2024)
"Prophetic News"


Hi John and Doves,


The Hamas leadership may be relocating their headquarters to Turkey! It appears that Qatar isn't best pleased with the risks involving Hamas having their current HQ there. Erdogan is desperate to revive the old Ottoman Empire under his auspices as leader of Turkey. Think of the ultimate power that could give him! Hamas feels that Erdogan has a voice in Europe and the USA and they are not wrong. Turkey sits on Europe's very doorstep and one only has to look at the enormous US military base in Turkey -  Incirlik Airbase. Please see 2nd link below for details.


This news ignited my prophecy alert buttons. Revelation 2:13 specifically tells us that Pergamum (in Turkey) is where Satan has his seat. All the 7 churches of Revelation are situated in Turkey. Given all the prophecies, this news of Hamas relocating their HQ to Turkey is HUGE news. I believe this signals a new, highly dangerous period. The island of Patmos, where John was imprisoned and received the Book of Revelation, is situated just off Turkey's western coast and sits in the Mediterranean Sea. The nation of Turkey is very significant in end time prophecies. Be sure to watch the short video clip in the article. There are also several links at the end of the article that go into further detail.


Turkey and Hamas Discuss Strategic Relocation Amid Growing Middle East Tensions (msn.com)


Incirlik Air Base in Incirlik, Turkey | MilitaryBases.com


Please come, LORD Jesus.