Chance (28 Apr 2024)
"Mosab Hassan Yousef, "Son of Hamas" and the Hamas Charter"

Hello John and Doves,
In this letter I wrote about Mosab Hassan Yousef - the son of one of the co-founders of Hamas, Sheik Hassan Yousef.  He has been exposing Hamas for years.  He was even a spy/informant for many years for Israel against Hamas.  The Shin Bet considered him to be their most valuable asset in Hamas (1997 - 2007).   He was very brave for helping Israel then and he is very brave in helping Israel now in speaking out against Hamas and Iran.
There are many youtube videos of his interviews and with all the pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas protests/riots going on now - his words and first hand experience are needed more than ever.  Yousef was a follower of Islam, he has converted to Christianity and is pro-Israel.
Top Hamas Leader's Son Converts to Christianity | World News
This Hamas War is a 'Holy War' against Israel - Israel is fighting against a religion-driven violent movement that wants to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people and they want a global caliphate.  This is an existential war for Israel.  This is a battle of Good against Evil. God against allah. This is OUR war too!  And Hamas has come to America!
Israel needs to destroy Hamas in the Gaza Strip.  Yousef said that "the Israeli government must "finish the job" in Gaza to remove Hamas from power, regardless of the unfolding situation with Iran."  "When October 7 happened it was like an earthquake for me," said Yousef.  "I wanted to go into silence.  I was leading a very simple life.  But that morning, the lion within me awakened, a volcano was about to erupt.  I made a decision to burn this evil down to ashes."  
"Yousef warned that Iran's latest attack against Israel with more than 300 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones was "just a rehearsal".  We don't know if Iran has biological weapons, we don't know if Iran has chemical weapons.  The Islamic Republic of Iran is a very serious global threat, not just against Israel.  Iran is not only a dictatorship, a terrorist regime, but a truly irresponsible religious leadership that is not concerned with this life; they are concerned with the afterlife.  If they destroy the entire region to achieve their religious agenda - they are willing to do it," he claimed."
‘Son of Hamas' Mosab Hassan Yousef: 'If we finish Rafah, we finish Hamas' | The Times of Israel
Yousef has been giving a lot of interviews since October 7 - speaking out against the evil he knows all too well.  He is warning the West.  But like Walid Shoebat's words - will they fall on too many deaf ears?  The Obama-Biden administration is pro-Hamas, anti-Israel - they are fine with the pro-Hamas/pro-Palestine rioters.  University administrators, faculty, board members are fine with the pro-Hamas/pro-Palestine rioters on their campuses because they are funded by Hamas to the tune of millions a year and they have willingly sold their souls to the devil and become 'Hamas'.
There are two youtube videos in this letter - one short interview with Chris Cuomo and the other longer video is Yousef's talk at the University of Michigan.  He spoke to a pro-Israeli group. (the first 21 minutes are of Yousef's talk about Hamas.)  I've added my notes.  And I've copied some choice phrases out of the Hamas Charter - exposing their lies and true intentions towards Israel and the Jewish people.
The 'Son of Hamas', Mosab Hassan Yousef is the son of one of the co-founders of Hamas - he is very outspoken against the militant organization called Hamas.  
Interview With Chris Cuomo:
In this interview with Chris Cuomo, Yousef said that when Hamas attacked on October 7 - Hamas knew Israel would retaliate and Hamas hid under the city in one of the most populated areas.  Hamas has years of war experience with Israel and they knew many civilians would die.  This is how they can provoke Israel and drag Israel into a dirty war.  Where they would get legitimacy, more power and Israel would be stained by the blood of children.
Hamas is responsible for the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip because they started this war.  Israel is very careful and there would be a lot more people dead if they weren't.
Son of Hamas leader: 'It could've been much worse than this' - YouTube
run time 1:13
Talk At the University of Michigan:
In this Youtube video, Yousef "exposes Hamas' 'Holy War' to wipe out Jews".  He was a member of the tribe of Hamas; he left Hamas years ago.  He came to this pro-Israel group of people at the University of Michigan to communicate the "true nature of Hamas".
Hamas is accusing everyone of lying.  He wants to pass on the truth and clear up the confusion - that will lead to more hatred and hatred will manifest into terrorism.  People don't understand the significance of words.  Most people have second-hand knowledge.  To know the truth you must experience it.  He was there when the Hamas movement was established; and he saw it grow and then came the suicide bombing attacks.  October 7 was not the first attack by Hamas - prior to that killed thousands of Palestinians and Israelis.  Hamas is responsible for the retaliation in the Middle East and the sabotaging of the peace process in the Middle East.
Yousef witnessed the birth, development and atrocities of Hamas. They are beyond a terrorist organization - they pose as a national resistant movement with the intention to liberate what's called Palestine.  Hamas is not a resistant movement.  Hamas is a religious ideological movement waging a HOLY WAR against a race, against a nation.  They are not a political party.  They want a global state.  There is no such thing as Palestine Hamas movement.   
The pro-palestine groups are giving support, directly and indirectly, to a savage group who just committed genocide against entire communities - they wiped out everything in their wake - killing children, women, raping, burning - systematically, ethnically cleansing a race only because they are Jewish.  He saw this first hand documented by Hamas.  He was not surprised by this brutality because he lived with them.  He was incarcerated in Israeli prison - dozens of Palestinians were killed and tortured by Hamas - in the prison.
What Hamas did on October 7 was probably the worst crime done in our day.  People are having a hard time deciding which side to take - Israel or Hamas.  Or we seeing Hamas for what it is?  A radical religious movement with global ambition that does not value human life that does not respect anything that is different, that doesn't believe in dialogues, does not believe in democracy.  Doesn't believe in anything outside of Islam or the Koran.  Very narrow minded people - very dangerous people.
On the other hand, we see the democratic state of Israel - a very productive country.  Israel has been extending its hand to the Arab nations, trying to build bridges of understanding, to build peace with the Arab nations - since 1948 - but the Arabs want to annihilate the state of Israel.  Back in 1948, the international community offered to build the Arabs an Arab state side by side with Israel.  The Arabs refused.  In 1967 the Arab states tried to destroy the state of Israel - as they greatly outnumbered the Jews by millions.  Israel won that war and ended up in control of the West Bank, the Sinai, the Golan Heights.  Since then the Arabs have been trying hard to destroy the state of Israel.  95% of the wars between Arabs and Israel were initiated by Arab countries - where Israel is always in a defensive position.
So we have a big problem.  We can't take sides without educating ourselves and knowing what is really going on.  Because if we support savages we just committed genocide - not just a terrorist attack.  A terrorist attack usually is committed by a terrorist organization with political hatred - this is what motivates them.  But to ethnically cleans more than twenty communities, killing everything in their way and everything is documented.  This can't be compared to the war victims in Gaza.
By the way, all Hamas statistics can't be trusted; none of their statistics are accurate and many of their video footage came from Syria.  Old videos taken in the Syrian civil war, Hamas is saying are of Gaza and many of them are fake..  Because this is their propaganda.  The free world blames Israel for the victims in Gaza but no one is blaming Hamas for taking their own people as human shields.  Hamas doesn't even care about their own children.  Golda Meir said that when Arabs loved their children more than they hate us, there could be a chance for peace.  This is a very true statement.
Yousef said he is tired and fed up with this entire conflict with just blind hatred towards people who are just trying to coexist in this region.  These are not criminals that came and stole the land.  These are legal migrants who came under the British mandate in the past century and they were able to develop the country so fast that they went a head of all Arab countries combined with almost no resources.  Because the Jewish nations believse in education and this gives them power.  The other side, unfortunately, is inciting and teaching children hatred, teaching generations to blame with corrupt leadership that never took responsibility for anything.  
So when we look at the origins of this suffering and this conflict - it is very important that we understand are we on the side of Truth or are we on the side falsehood.  And there is only one truth in this situation - 100% truth.
Have you noticed that everybody within the Palestinian leadership have been asking for a Palestinian state  but none of them is talking about a Palestinian nation.  You need a nation to have a state.  A state brings power, money, prestige, and a nation requires selfless leadership where a true leader has to give up all desires in order to build a nation.  None of these so-called leaders from Yassar Arafat all the way to Hamas, a bunch of criminals, that stole people's resources - the most corrupt revolution in history.  It is not in their interest to end the conflict because they profit out of it.  They only know how to thrive in chaos.  They don't know how to create, how to build; they don't like order.  If there is no conflict there is no need for them.  This is why it's in their interest to keep this going for eternity.  You can give them all the solutions in the world and they will reject them. 
So we need to understand that these people are profiting from this conflict; they're using the so-called Palestinian cause'; it's broad term that anybody can use the angry mob here in Michigan is using it.  Everyone who has a little bit of hatred they are trying to project through this device called Palestine.  This is why I say it's non-existential.  We don't know what it is.  Anybody from Putin to Mexican cartel dressed up like Hamas because hate is an ideology and this is what's in common between them and Hamas. 
So are we going to allow a bunch of criminals hijack an entire society and and we give them support, empowering the predator against the victim, against the prey?  That's not acceptable, that's not the way Americans think.  Are we going to allow people to spread hatred and anti-Semitism, hating the Jewish people.  This is not acceptable.  We need to look around at the contributions of the Jewish people worldwide.  Israel is fighting for its life.  I'm not here to advocate on behalf of the state of Israel.  This is my personal experience as long as we don't see things for what they are, this conflict will go on for eternity.  This is my fight too. This is not Israeli propaganda. 
 He said he and the Zionists have something in common - to destroy Hamas, to eradicate them.  Because they are very dangerous.  They don't value human life.  They him dead.  They want Israel dead.  They want America dead.  This is the reality of the situation. 
Yousef's introduction ends at about 21 minutes.  The rest is questions from the audience and his answers.
run time 1:09:33
The pro-Palestine/pro-Hamas people have thrown around the terms "genocide", "apartheid", "colonialism", "from the river to the sea" in their protests.  Many students believe that these terms apply to Israel.  And many believe that the Jews 'stole' the land and now occupy it. Even though, the Jewish people have a connection that is thousands of years old to the very land they live on now. They are not "occupying" the land.  Do they even know what genocide is?  Do they know that 'from the river to the sea' is the call for genocide of Jews?  The lies and propaganda of Hamas have been woven into the minds of many - especially on campuses.
The Hamas Charter:
The Hamas Charter says that the 'Palestinian people's land continues to suffer one of the worst types of occupation in this world."  Their land was seized "by a racist, anti-human and colonial Zionist project."  
"Palestine symbolises the resistance that shall continue until liberation is accomplished, until the return is fulfilled and until a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital."
It states that Hamas is a "Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement.  Its goal is to liberate Palestine and confront the Zionist project.  Its frame of reference is Islam, which determines its principles, objectives and means."
"Palestine, which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras al-Naqurah ((a small city in southern Lebanon)) in the north to Umm al-Rashrash ((Eliat - a city located on the coast of the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea)) in the south, is an integral territorial unit.  ((We can see that they claim all of Israel, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip))  It is the land and the home of the Palestinian people.  The expulsion and banishment of the Palestinian people from their land and the establishment of the Zionist entity therein do not annul the right of the Palestinian people to their entire land and do not entrench any right therein for the usurping Zionist entity."
Ironically, the charter states that "Hamas also believes that Palestine has always been and will always be a model of coexistence, tolerance and civilizational innovation.  Hamas believes that the message of Islam upholds the values of truth, justice, freedom and dignity and prohibits all forms of injustice and incriminates oppressors irrespective of their religion, race, gender and nationality.  Islam is against all forms of religious, ethnic or sectarian extremism and bigotry."
"Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine....Not one stone of Jerusalem can be surrendered or relinquished.  The measures undertaken by the occupiers in Jerusalem, such as Judaisation, settlement building, and establishing facts on the ground are fundamentally null and void."  ((They claim ALL of Jerusalem.))
"The blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs exclusively to our people..and the occupation has no right to it whatsoever."  ((They claim the Jewish Temple Mount))
"Compensation to the Palestinian refugee for the harm they have suffered as a consequence of the banishing them and occupying their land is an absolute right that goes hand in hand with their right to return.  They are to receive compensation upon their return and this does not negate or diminish their right to return."
"The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspirations of freedom, liberation, return and self-determination.  The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression."
"Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
"Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds.  Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage.  The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine."
"The establishment of "Israel" is entirely illegal and contravenes in the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and goes against their is also in violation of human rights that are guaranteed by international conventions, foremost among them is the right to self-determination."
"Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or conceded...Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine from the river to the sea."
"The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general."
"Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws.  At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people."
Hamas "denounces the support granted by any party to the Zionist entity or the attempts to coverup its crimes and aggression against the Palestinians and calls for the prosecution of Zionist war criminals."
Hamas in 2017: The document in full | Middle East Eye
(end charter)
Hamas claims their fight is not against the Jewish people - even though they threaten the Jewish homeland with their Charter's call for liberation "from the river to the sea" - that's the annihilation of a nation and genocide of the Jewish people.  Their "charter" is full of lies and propaganda.  There is no making peace with such a group of genocidal terrorists.  They call for all their people to physically fights against Jews - that it's their duty.
After reading this Charter - how can any western government support a two-state solution?   How can any western government think peace is possible?   How can any western government support the 'Palestinian' people?  Most of them support Hamas.
They rant on about "occupation", yet Islam didn't exist until Mohammed founded it in 613 A.D. - thousands of years after "Israel" was in their homeland.  Thousands of years after God called the Jews His chosen people and gave them the deed to the land.  Their Temple Mount has had two Temples built there - yet, the Muslims deny this and claim it for their mosques.  History proves otherwise.  History proves the land has belonged for thousands of years to the Jewish people.  History proves Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are Jewish.  And Jerusalem is the City of God - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  He wrote His name there.
The Muslims are the 'new comers' in the region.  Their mosques 'occupy' the Jewish Temple Mount.  This is indeed a Holy War in the Middle East.  Jerusalem is indeed a 'cup of trembling' to the world.  The 'Palestinians' are the occupiers of Israel's land.
Seems that Western countries, especially the U.S., are ignoring these historical facts.  And siding with the evil forces of Islam.  Obama was right in saying 'America was no longer a Christian nation.'  We have had anti-Israel presidents in America - Obama and Biden being two recent ones.  They are enemies of Israel and the Jewish people.  And they are enemies of America.  
John Adams wrote, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."  George Washington, in his Farewell Address said that 'National morality cannot prevail in exclusion of religious principle."  When America is no longer a Christian nation with Christian values and morals and liberties and inalienable rights - the country will fall.  This is the end of the United States. We've been warned!  
Today, we see the Obama-Biden administration stepping all over the Constitution, bypassing laws, making up their own rules.  And siding with Islam.  The only ideology that beheads people in mass.  Islam - the religion of satan.  The 'religion' that is coming against Israel - the Jewish people - the apple of God's eye.  The ideology that is here in America - siding with the brutal rule of Hamas striving for genocide of God's Chosen people and the destruction of His land and the occupation of His Holy City.
Are things not ripe for the start of the Tribulation?  Are things not ripe for the judgment of America?  The U.S. is being divided by this evil ideology that has intricately woven itself into our campuses and polluted the minds of many with lies and propaganda.  Americans who will not educate themselves concerning the history of the Middle East, the history of Islam, the history of Hamas, the history of Israel, the history of the Jewish people.  Americans who no longer believe in God - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Americans who no longer read The Bible.  They are siding with evil.  So many in America are siding with evil.
We need more people like Yousef.  That stand against the evil that they know intimately.  I pray that the Lord protects and blesses him as he speaks Truth to evil. 
‘Son of Hamas' Mosab Hassan Yousef: 'If we finish Rafah, we finish Hamas' | The Times of Israel\

Hamas should not be tolerated in the West.  Hamas should be banned from all campuses and all funding stopped from all Muslim countries to universities/colleges immediately.  Under this administration, this will not happen.  Hamas is welcomed and encouraged in America!  And no telling how many Biden/Obama personally shipped into our cities.  And it looks like they need more!!
And to add insult to injury, Biden's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today (4/23/2024) announced the upcoming opening of international field offices in Doha, Qatar and Ankara, Turkey, to increase capacity for refugee processing, strengthen strategic partnerships, and facilitate interagency cooperation."  "The Biden-Harris administration set the refugee admissions ceiling for fiscal year 2024 at 125,000 refugees. Establishing USCIS field offices in Qatar and Turkey will support the US Refugee Admissions Program's infrastructure in the region. ...Qatar is a critical location and a regional refugee processing hub...."
USCIS to Open International Field Offices in Qatar and Turkey | USCIS
Doha is also where the political office of Hamas is. That's all we need - more Hamas terrorists in America.  This will make it much easier and quicker for Obama/Biden to get Hamas and other Muslim terrorists into the country.  (And we have millions of "refugees' coming over the southern border!)  (In the Tribulation, people are killed via beheadings - that's common in many Islamic countries.)
The pro-Palestine people are too clueless to realize that the very people that they are protesting for and protesting with would kill them in a heartbeat.  "Death to America."  We need to clean Hamas out of America.
Video Shows Palestine Supporters Chanting 'Death To America' In US
Israel needs to clean Hamas out of Rafah. Israel expects a response from Hamas in 48 hours - hostages for ceasefire.
Israel minister says Rafah advance could be delayed for hostage deal
"It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  Heb 10:31
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!