Ted Porter (30 Apr 2023)
"Re: Chance – (23 Apr 2023) Ted Porter "EAR and Daniel's 70th Week”"

Re: Chance – (23 Apr 2023) Ted Porter "EAR and Daniel's 70th Week”

Ted Porter "EAR and Daniel's 70th Week...." (fivedoves.com)

In response to:

EAR and Daniel’s 70th Week – Response to Chance

Yes – John has blessed us with many years of a forum where we can exchange letters.  As you put so well:

I really enjoy reading 'letters' - where people add their own thoughts, opinions, studies, research, personal stories, comments on news articles, etc..  Takes it to a personal level - this is how I see 'letters' to friends.  People kindly expressing themselves to others.

Regarding your comments / questions which I will put in italics as shown below and put my responses in bold so it doesn’t get too confusing.  😊

I do have a couple of comments -

Such as, how did the Gentiles end up in Jacob's Trouble? - I have believed that Jacob's Trouble is the Tribulation Period and it's for the holy people - to come back to G-d.


Chance – Interesting points.  I hadn’t thought of calling all 21 years of Jacob’s Trouble as the Tribulation Period.  Or that tribulation would only come to the ‘holy people’ and not the ‘lawless people’ in a two-tiered system of justice.  However, I can see this two-tiered system of justice already happening as we speak in the United States since at least the beginning of 2009.  The ‘lawless people’ are not punished for their many crimes and the ‘holy people’ are punished for what are not crimes by the ‘lawless people’.  

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Ephesians 6:12

When you said “for the holy people – to come back to G-d” I immediately thought of how Jesus Christ instructed His disciples not to go to the Gentiles or any city of the Samaritans but to the lost tribes of Israel (Matthew 10:6).  Then Jesus sent out His 12 disciples, 11 of which were from the tribe of Benjamin.  Which I suppose shouldn’t be too surprising seeing Jerusalem was in the area of land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin.

So, maybe God is again only addressing His lost sheep from the tribes of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  We just don’t know it since they are still lost.  Or at least a lot of people consider them still lost.

But then I think others are included because of the parables of the feasts and who was invited and then going out in the streets and bringing in people.  We have Jesus saying in Matthew 15:24, “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.  But she responded with asking for help and Jesus Christ responding that it is not right to take the children’s bread and cast it to dogs.  To which she responded that yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters table.”

What I was trying to say in all this is that I don’t know whether these 21 years of trouble are limited to the ‘holy people’ if we were to use this term for the lost sheep of Israel and not as a generic term including Gentile Christians.

And they shall call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.  Isaiah 62:12

In regard to ‘Jacob’s Trouble’, the Bible outlines a period of 21 years.  The tribe of Judah today describes these as periods of 21 years.  There were actually two tribulation periods of 21 years experienced by Jacob including his time of mourning for Joseph.

One could argue the first ‘Jacob’s Trouble’ period is 20 years as it was 7 years for Leah, 7 years for Rachel, and only 6 years for the land (sheep) before he left.  Although Jacob definitely had trouble the following year when went to meet his brother so I’d say 21.  Plus, it parallels the 21 days, a day for a year, of tribulation the one with the face like lightning and voice of a multitude that fought against the prince of the kingdom of Persia 21 days.

In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.  Daniel 10:2

Now, the second part that it’s for the ‘holy people’.  Yes, the United States had been considered a Christian country.  It also has also had more people from the tribe of Judah than the ‘nation’ of Israel at over 6 million people.  So, when we say ‘holy people’ can we say we are talking about the tribe of Judah which many are atheists?  Or completed Jews and Christians from all the tribes of Israel and the rest of the world who have been grafted in by coming to a saving faith in Jesus Christ?  Not sure if these are the ones you are referring to as the ‘holy people’ and at the same time talking about needing to come back to God.

And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.”  Matthew 19:17

And you wrote we've been in this time period for 21 years.  How long is this to go on?  You wrote, "We appear to be in the 21 year period of time known as Jacob's Troubles."

These 21 years I see could have started Jan 20, 2009 with the US presidential inauguration.  Or they could have started October 29, 2008 with what Ron Reese had identified at the time as the 30 minutes of silence in Heaven mentioned in Revelation when the start of the last game of the World Series was preempted for 30 minutes with an infomercial about a Prince of Peace who could save the world if the American people voted for him in 6 days.  He was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize in 2008 before ever taking office and received the Nobel Peace prize in 2009.

Reversing this, a day equaling 1,000 years, half an hour would equals 21 years.  Just as Natan’s visit to Heaven he could not stay beyond 3 hours which the accompanying Rabbi translated into 120 years on Earth, the length of a lifetime.  Although I’m thinking a case could also be made for 125 years.  But I may be giving you more than you can assimilate at one time where I may have lost you.  Prayerfully not.  😊

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  II Peter 3:8

And you've written about the importance of 42 - 2015 is long past - so is 42 still important?

I think 42 is important in prophecy for many reasons.  42 months will be important.  42 months are important for past prophecies.   42 years as 1 hour in heaven is important for another prophecy with the length of the reign of the seven heads of the beast, etc.  42 years is equivalent to 6 weeks of years.

I will default to Jesus' comment when He stopped and wept before his "triumphal" entry - and His ministry was 3.5 or 1260 days long - that's not by chance - that is where the 70th week is split in half. imo.

Nothing is by chance with God.  Providence is everything.  Jesus Christ’s ministry was 3.5 years long while antichrist appears will be given 6 times that amount, (6 being the number of satan and his influence), which also brings antichrist’s reign to 21 years.  I don’t think anyone at this point is thinking biden is calling the shots.

It has been noted there were 3.5 years of warning in the fall of 66 AD which was heeded mainly by the Benjamites when Jerusalem was surrounded by the Roman armies to destroy it as fortold in scripture.  Then the Romans stopped till 70 AD because Nero had committed suicide and Vespasian needed to get back to Rome.

Personally I think all of the 70th week must be after the millennium or otherwise the tribe of Judah and the city of Jerusalem’s time on Earth would run out before the millennium.  

It looks like EAR believes Daniel’s 62 weeks or 434 years, Daniel’s 7 weeks or 49 years, and  Daniel’s 1 week or 7 years are one continuous block of time of 70 weeks or 490 years with no gaps which ended with the stoning of Steven.  Chance, from your last email I believe you are leaning towards there being only 69 ½ weeks or 486 ½ years as one continuous block of time with 3 ½ years left to be fulfilled.

I would argue the 1 week period of time overlayed in Daniels 70 week prophecy is primarily where Jesus Christ confirms the existing covenant with many once and for all with His death and resurrection for all time for the many of Eve’s seed from the beginning of Eve’s seed according to God’ providence.  It was not a 7 year covenant between God and man but a 7,000 year covenant between God and man.

But the real Eureka moment for me was when I realized the belief I had been taught with every interpretation of Daniel’s 70 weeks I had then read that Jesus became Messiah, became Christ, became THE ANOINTED either with His anointing at His water baptism, or His anointing at His Holy Spirit baptism immediately afterwards, or when His feet were anointed with spikenard before His triumphal entry, or when His head was anointed with spikenard before His death, or when he was symbolically anointed by the crowds during His triumphal entry (Sir Robert Anderson), went against the Bible.

I thought I must know more than most Christians who hadn’t studied Daniels 70 weeks and were still mired in the belief Jesus became Christ, became Messiah, at conception.  However, I had failed to recognize the special relationship created in space and time at the instant when one part of the Godhead became the FATHER and another became the SON at Jesus Christ’s conception.  I had been deceived.  All so many choices and everyone of them leading to the wrong conclusion.  Jesus Christ became Christ, became Messiah, became THE ANOINTED when the seed of woman was anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit with the Word of God at conception.  Otherwise, these scriptures could not be true.


Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”  Matthew 1:18

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:11

And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.  John 1:14

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.  I John 2:22



Ted Porter