Phil (30 Apr 2023)
"Some Numbers Pertaining to The Coronation of King Charles on May 6th 2023."


John and Doves,

King Charles' Coronation is on 6/5/2023.
The pope gave him a couple of slivers of wood said to have been taken from the cross that Christ was crucified on.
King Charles' wife is Camilla.
His two sons are William and Harry.
The pope's next birthday is 17/12/2023.
Charles'  next birthday is 14/11/2023.
Camilla's next birthday is 17/7/2023.
William's next birthday is 21/6/2023.
Harry's next birthday is 15/9/2023.
The day gaps back to Coronation Day 6/5/2023 = 225+192+72+46+132 = 667.
If you reduce one of those numbers by one to read 'between both dates' it ends up 666!
Just sayin'!
There are so many combinations and formulas to try so as to find out what is going on but this is the best I can do with the time available.
The main thing here is that it includes the Catholic pope and all of King Charles' immediate family.

It is also worth noting that Princess Diana was born only 34 days after BHO. 1/7/1961 to 4/8/1961.
And Meghan Markle was born exactly 20 years after BHO. 4/8/1961 to 4/8/1981.
20 years is 240 months  or 80+80+80 months .
Charles' Coronation is 240 days after his mother QEII died or 80+80+80 days or 7 mths + 7+7+7+7 days.
May 6th is the 240th reverse day of the year.

I wonder if they will try any AI (Artificial Intelligence) stuff at his Coronation?

Keep looking up!
