Neil Lipken (9 Apr 2023)
"So, where are we now on the timeline in these End Times?"

I am at home and not feeling well at all from the month of chemo and radiation that I had, but I thought I would send out a short email.

On May 14th Israel will turn 75 years old (no spring matzo ball!).   Clearly the hour is late in these End Times, as the "parable of the fig tree" tells us that the "generation" to see Israel's return as a nation (1948) will see all end time events come to pass.

There is still a 7 year Tribulation Period ahead after the upcoming Rapture, so the earliest from 1948 to the Second Coming is now 75 + 7 (IF the Rapture is very near), or 82 years.   Clearly we must be drawing very close to the Rapture!   Well, just a thought for the day.

The war in Ukraine is still raging, and that might be the trigger point for the Rapture, "sudden destruction", and the beginning of the Tribulation.   We watch and wait.   Time will tell.

Nuff for now,