Nansings (30 Apr 2023)
"Final Message to the World?  Mystery #3 Mark on Jesus - Shroud of Turin"

Final Message to the World?
Mystery #3 Mark on Jesus - Shroud of Turin
      This discovery below (Newsmax article) of the number 3 in various places, including the forehead, on the body of Jesus, depicted on the Shroud of Turin, is absolutely breath-taking!  God was signalling that "because Jesus lives, we shall live also!"  [2 Corinthians 13:4 / 2 Timothy 2:11 / Romans 6:8]
      Did you know that every time the Bible mentions "on the third day," in the Bible Codes it says "Rapture?"  What are the chances?  Answers being found in reverse in the Bible, however, is not without precedent.  In the Bible where Daniel is told to "seal up the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased" (Daniel 12:4), the Bible Code reads:  "Computer."  It took powerful computers to find the Bible Codes because of long searches using equidistant lettering.
     I had a "lightbulb" moment when I read this new find below of the number 3 on Christ's forehead found on the shroud of Turin, that it could very well be signalling the Resurrection/Rapture is near.  Ask yourself, why else would it have been found just now?  Is it just coincidental, or was it planned by God to be found in the 21rst Century just before the "mark of the beast" -- requiring loyalty to Lucifer -- is implemented, necessitating a "mark" in everyone's forehead or hand in order to buy or sell?  Is it God's way of reminding us of "the blessed hope" we have of fleeing God's wrath to come via the Resurrection/Rapture?

~ Coincidence in Hebrew = God allowed it. ~


     Dr. Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist and co-founder of the highly regarded String Field Theory created a stir in the scientific community by saying he believes there is evidence that the universe was created by a higher intelligence and not by accident.  He said: "I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence.  Believe me, everything that we call chance (i.e., circumstance/coincidence) today won't make sense anymore.  To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules that were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance." 

     I believe it is a confirmation from Jesus, that He chose to have this #3 on Jesus's forehead discovered at just this moment in time historically, as a signal to all who are discouraged and as an encouragement that when you see these things begin to happen  "LOOK UP - YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWS NIGH!" [Luke 21:28]  Yes, God would do such a thing.  He's wonderful that way!     
     It was very astutely pointed out recently that the greatest warnings of the Resurrection/
Rapture/Great Tribulation and 2nd Coming have been in the last 120 years, which parallels Noah's warnings in his time!  He preached -- and warned as many as he could -- for 120 years before the Great Deluge destroyed all life on the Earth.
     In a vision shown to Evangelist Maurice Sklar, Jesus said, "Time is running out fast.  Flee from the world's temptations.  Come to My *secret place [*Psalm 91].  The doors are closing soon."  The secret place is where you go to worship Jesus and pray to Him without others knowing.  It could be as simple as your closet:
Psalm 91 [KJV]
"He that dwelleth in the*secretplace of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust.  Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome *pestilence. ..."  *People who take the mark of the beast in their forehead or hand will break out with terrible sores and blaspheme (i.e., "noisome") God as a result. [Revelation 16:11]
     Are you ready to go with Jesus to Heaven when He comes?  Have you invited Him into your heart and are you living for Him with earnest expectation of His soon promised coming?  It's the "blessed hope" [Titus 2:13] of His coming that purifies us, making us ready.
    "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." -- Luke 21:28 [KJV]
     p.s.  Since I've been to Heaven and met Jesus I can say this:  The pic below of Him is getting close to what He looks like, but it's not exact.  He is more handsome and His features are more elegant than what the pic shows below.  A skeptic I told this to countered with the fact the Bible says Jesus was "marred more than any man" [Isaiah 52:14 KJV].
     I countered with the fact that Jesus was marred because of the crucifixion.  I met and talked with Him 2,000+ years later (January 2007) and I can assure you His body was transformed at the Resurrection, just as ours will be -- I John 3:2:  "When He shall appear,
we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is."  Get happy for as the song says:  "Soon and very soon we are going to see the King!" 
In a message dated 4/19/2023 8:50:54 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Breaking News from

Mysterious ‘3’ Mark on Jesus
A Final Message to the World?

What really is that mysterious “3” seen on the forehead of the man said to be Jesus of Nazareth?

A new report in Newsmax Magazine shows that overwhelming scientific and forensic evidence supports claims that the Shroud of Turin is, in fact, the burial cloth of Jesus.

Photographs of the Shroud have given rich detail about a Jewish man who was crucified by the Romans some 2,000 years ago.

Among the most fascinating and mysterious artifacts seen on the Shroud are multiple versions of the “3” symbol on the cloth, with the forehead most striking. 

The number 3 is, of course, a key number for Christians, as they believe it was on the third day Jesus rose from the dead.

And others say the Shroud’s “3” may have a hidden message. 

The Book of Matthew records this interlude between the Pharisees and Jesus:

“Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, ‘Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you.’ He answered, ‘A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.’” (Matthew 12:38-41)

Jesus’ reference to Jonah, the Old Testament prophet who purportedly spent three days in the belly of a whale, is said to presage Christ’s own death and resurrection.

Others suggest the “3” represents Jesus’ last miracle to the world in the form of the Shroud. 

Some Christians believe that as we live in “end times,” modern science has uncovered powerful evidence of the Nazarene’s death and resurrection in this ancient linen.

But the “3” may have a second, more precise meaning — consistent with the Roman customs of crucifying a man.

These and other amazing revelations about the Shroud are revealed in Newsmax Magazine's  recent Special Report “The Real Face of Jesus.”

Make sure you get your FREE Offer copy of this Special Report — Read More Below or Click Here Now. -- 

‘Holy Evidence’

New scientific findings point to the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin as Jesus’ burial shroud

Jesus of Nazareth.  To this day, no other figure in human history has ever gripped the imagination quite like the carpenter and rabbi, the man His followers have said for over 2,000 years is the Son of God.  [Ed., "Immanuel = God with us" in human form.  Isaiah 7:14.]

Though His time on Earth was brief, He singularly divides history, and continues to divide the world into believers and nonbelievers.

Crucial to this belief in Him is that He not only lived and died, but actually rose from the dead in a supernatural resurrection.

That’s likely why new scientific evidence discovered on the Shroud of Turin has stunned the world.

In the April cover story of Newsmax Magazine, our investigation finds that the Shroud is not only real, but is the burial cloth of a Jewish male who died exactly as the Bible says Jesus died.

And new evidence from modern archaeological findings shows the man depicted on the Shroud died just as the Romans of Jesus’ time conducted crucifixions.

The latest scientific findings — using devices that scan deep space and probe the smallest nanoparticles of the cell — have backed up claims many Christians have long held about the cloth.

Newsmax Magazine’s “Holy Evidence” investigation finds:

  • Scientists are absolutely certain the Shroud is that of a crucified man
  • The image on the Shroud has never been replicated before and is not art
  • Why carbon-14 dating that sets the Shroud in the 13th century was faulty
  • New X-ray dating methods put the Shroud’s origins to the time of Jesus
  • The energy it took to produce the image would be equal to all the electrical power generated in the world today
  • Blood evidence: dozens of indicators that show the man who was buried died just as the Bible claims
  • Secret message: Was the hidden “3” mark on Jesus’ forehead His last message for the “End Times”?
  • Traditional Jewish burial: multiple points of evidence the man was a religious Jew
  • The Jewish photography expert who concluded the Shroud is 100% real
  • The Jewish botanist who pinpointed pollens on the Shroud linking it to Jerusalem
  • The missing link: New science proves the Sudarium, a burial facecloth, was used on the same body as the Shroud
  • A famous illustrator uses the Shroud to make a portrait of what Jesus really looked like

French historian Jean-Christian Petitfils studied the Shroud and concluded:  Its authenticity can no longer be disputed.

Newsmax probes the fascinating and exhaustively researched details about the Shroud and offers the most compelling answers yet that will leave the devout and nonbelievers alike shaken to their core.