Michelle W (30 Apr 2023)
"Food is a great way to witness for the Lord"



I remember the Lord had me to realize one day “No one can come to the Marriage Supper with dirty hands”. You need the Living Water to cleanse your soul with His precious blood. Just as if you have dirty hands you won’t get to eat supper, well you won’t go to the Marriage Supper if your hands are dirty with sin. The Lord was revealing that to me while thinking about how there’s blood on the hands of abortionists/ those who support abortion. It can be applied to anyone though for all have sinned.


Also, what is your atheist’s friend favorite food? Cauliflower? Avocados? I’ve read online that the food God made for our bodies resembles the body parts that that particular food is good for.


Wine represents the blood of Christ. Did you know that wine is good for your heart/blood?


Cauliflower is good for your brain’s health. Did you ever notice that it looks like a brain, with a brain stem included?


Mushrooms look like ears, they’re good for hearing.


Avocados are good for uterine health. It looks like a uterus. Also, when the seed is in an avocado it looks like a baby in a mommy’s belly. When the seed is removed it reminds you of a baren woman/abortion.


Olives are good for ovaries. They look like ovaries.


I read years ago that lemons mean Biblically “Hope for the promised land”. Well, when you cut a lemon and get a rim what does it look like? A smile. What will the first thing you see in Heaven? Jesus’ beautiful smile. And yes, lemons are good for oral health.


Have fun with the Holy Spirit in investigating how clever our awesome God is in creating food that resembles body parts it’s good for. And plant seeds in asking your Atheist/evolutionist friends these questions. How could it be possible (remember use his/her favorite foods to witness) that tomato on his sand which is not only good for his heart but resembles the chambers of his heart? Why are those walnuts she’s eating not only good for her brain but also resembles her brain? Why does that head of cauliflower he’s just bought from the store look like a human brain?(Thank You Jesus that You even added a brain stem to the cauliflower!) How can evolution/a big bang explain that? Now whenever they see their favorite foods the Holy Spirit can plant seeds (get it from fruits/veggies) that there is a Creator. Each veggie and fruit clearly shows design. And design means Someone created that design.