Michelle W (30 Apr 2023)
"Drag queen story hour for babies and issues on the trans issue"



Jesus must be so heartbroken. Drag queen story hour for babies is now something that happens in the U.K.




Here’s some questions you can ask if you’re ever confronted with people protesting that there’s no such thing as male and female.


The animal kingdom preaches two genders. If there’s no such thing as male and female than what do they call lions with manes? Why do we have to have the words lion and lioness if there’s no such thing as gender?


I couldn’t find an article online but I heard one time on the radio that there was an autopsy done on the Nashville shooter. The coroner said that the autopsy revealed Audrey Hale was still a female.


I’ve done a little research. Even if someone is transgendered their chromosomes (xx/female or xy/male) will still be that from when the person was conceived.


Even if someone is transgendered that won’t change the entire makeup of that person’s skeleton. Females have a bigger pelvis bone structures than men. So, ask this. If the skeleton of someone who is transgendered is dug up in 100 years (yes I know Jesus will be back way before than but this is just to make the person think) would you be able to tell if that person was transgendered? Also, if there’s no such thing as male and female why is there a difference between skeletons? For those who are transgendered they could be asked what gender is their skeleton. I know someone who says he was born female but has “transitioned” into a man. Whenever I see him how am I suppose to believe I’m looking at a male person with a female skeleton?


These are just some questions for you to ponder on. The Holy Spirit will take care of the rest and help you plant seeds.