Luis Vega (9 Apr 2023)
"WORLD WAR 3 RESET - When is the Next One?"


When is the Next One?

by Luis B. Vega

‘You will hear of Wars and Rumors of Wars, but see to it that you are not Alarmed. These Things must happen, but the End is still to come. Nation will rise against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom’. -Matthew 24:6-7

So, it would seem the World is on the Brink of World War 3. In seeing American Mainstream Networks online, one would never know it is virtually here. The Atmosphere in the USA is Tame in comparison to Foreign News Outlets that are tracking this World War 3 ‘God of War’. He is on the March, it seems, that is growing Stronger by the Day. But in seeing the Foreign Press, one would think that World War 3 WW3 is about to bust-out, any Minute now.

For sure, it is a clear case of ‘Wars and Rumors of Wars’ going on presently that Jesus Warned about would be as ‘Signs’ of a coming Reset. To this End, one will attempt to present Evidence from 2 Perspectives. An Aspect will have the Events be Analyzed, from a Political Scientist Point of View. But also, the Events presented will be in Context, in light of Biblical Prophecy. Why?


It is because the Bible or Jesus spoke of a coming World War 3. And in fact, there are more ‘World Wars’ beyond to come, sadly. So, War Preparations are the Order of the Day; for their New World Order that is. The Present Pressing of World War 3, by the Globalist is about their ‘Reset’. It is on track to lead, ultimately, the World into World War 3.

This is especially the case, if the World War Pattern one has Researched since 2015 is Plausible, then it would explain why things are happening now, exactly as Planned. And a Key Indicator is that ,soon after a major Financial Collapse in the Financial System occurs, World Wars break-out as a ‘Solution’ or Reaction or Intended Outcome. One would say, ‘Going to War’, is a Distraction from their Financial Reset.


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WW3 Reset – In the Shadow of the Tribulation 

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World War 3 Rumors..……………....…...................…   9

Nostradamus Effect ….…….………………….…….…   27

5th Generation Warfare…………………....................    33

Why is the USA Falling Apart?...................................   49
Trump is Not America’s Savior…………………..……    61
COVID PSY-OPS………………………………..……..    75 

How Good is Your Eschatology?……….……...……..    83

Who is the White Horse Rider?.....................….........    91

Putin’s Comet…………….…………………...…...……   119
Putin’s Address….. ………………...…………......…...   101
Orion Flood Gates………………………………………   133
FedNOW Cartel Roll-Out……………………………....   147 

Sagitta Arrow of YHVH…………………………………   165
Rare Hybrid Solar Eclipses…………………………….   175
End of the Church Age……………………………..…..   185
Revelation 12 Tribulation……………………………....   197
Revelation 12 Sign……………………………………...   227
Come to the 1335th Day……………………….………   247 

Matthew 24 Signs…………………………….…………   267 

Mark of the Beast……….………………………..……..   283 

Tribulation Saints……………………………………….    289 

Is Israel the Fig Tree?................................................   307 

Israeli Judicial Reform………………………………….   329 

3032: End of Time?....................................................   345 

When will the Church Age End?……………..…….....   359
When will the Tribulation Period Begin?………….….   

No More Wars…………………………………………..    379

ABCs of Salvation………………………………………   381 


© 2023 PostScripts Publications
In the Shadows of the Tribulation

Convergence of the Collapse




Category: Religion & Spirituality 

All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License 

Publisher: Lulu  


Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date: April 1, 2023 

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-312-71818-0

World World 3-Reset.png