Lewis Brackett (23 Apr 2023)
"Is gravity a space time vortex?"

    A deep thought for the day.  You might remember I mentioned my
theory that Jesus spewed out energy from the parallel universe into
our universe through what Einstein called "white holes" creating
individual galaxies. That galactic shapes such as our spiral galaxy
resulted from this spacetime vortex. That this vortex causes galactic
rotation.  that now these white holes have become black holes with
spacetime going back the other way back where they came from.
   This said, this contention results  in the idea  that gravity
results in a space time vortex centered in the center of the Earth
translateing  back into Gods universe we call the heavenly realm. This
vortex would also cause Earths rotation...
   Is your head hurting yet?  >   Anyway, to my peculiar mind all
this makes perfect sense.  That this could be  how Jesus put it all
together in the creation.
Maranatha, Lewis