Lewis Brackett (16 Apr 2023)
"Sci Fi book earily predicting Aliens coming to "help us""

Yes, recently started listening to Arthur C Clark's masterpiece
"Childhood's End."   I had first read the book as a young adult half a
century ago.. .I will not spoil it for you of course...  However it is
SO very close to the imminently coming great delusion.
    Aliens coming from the sky to remake  and change humanity for a
reason no one at the time knows... Of course they intimate that they
are here to "help us."
   This is of course what the faux aliens are telling the Ufo
community and I suspect the world elite  as well. these poor deluded
souls have no idea they are being visited by fallen angels and their
nephilim creations called "the grays" and several other sinister
and YES this is very soon coming...
maranatha,  Lewis