Leo Tavares  (30 Apr 2023)


Blessings family, 

I've been very busy lately (forgive me if I missed any of your emails) but I would like to share some new exciting finds.

The following is dedicated to my brother in 1480, John Elias. May the Lord give you the strength to persevere and finish the work he has laid out for you. 

PROOF OF GOD (The Subtraction Code) : https://sites.google.com/site/alphagematria/revelation?authuser=0#h.4v9uijovqybk

We now come to a powerful alphanumeric union I have uncovered between the openings of the FIRST book in the Bible and the LAST book in the Bible. First, observe the following discovery I made years back: 

Genesis 1:1 = 37 × 73 = 2701
   2701 + 1072 = 3773 

"In the beginning God created the heavens" (SH) = 1998 

  2701 - 701 - 01 - 1 = 1998
1072 - 072 - 72 - 2 = 3627 - 2701 

 Genesis 1:1 = 2701
   John 1:1 = 3627 

Observe the following as well, where I show how the Standard value of John 1:1 ITSELF is encoded with the mirrored value of Genesis 1:1. What's more, the Ordinal value of John 1:1 is encoded with the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (through the very SAME method): 

 Genesis 1:1 (SH) = 2701
   John 1:1 (SG) = 3627 

What is the EXACT average of the descending values within the number 3627?
(3627 + 627 + 27 + 7) / 4 = 1072 

    John 1:1 (OG) = 605 

What is the EXACT average of the descending values within the number 605?
 (605 + 05 + 5) / 3 = 205 

"JESUS CHRIST" (OG) = 205 

What follows now is nothing short of miraculous (note that Genesis 1:1 is encoded with a Prime mirror symmetry of 37/73 and addition/subtraction can be seen, in a sense, as mirror functions of one another): 

   Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

 Sum of ADDED word values = 2701
913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = 2701 

    John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God

This clear phrase contains 37 letters in the original Greek 

 Sum of SUBTRACTED word values in this phrase = -2701
55 - 719 - 58 - 70 - 373 - 31 - 70 - 373 - 58 - 450 - 420 - 134 = -2701 

   2701 = 37 × 73
2701 + 1072 = 3773 

    John 1:1
"And the Word was God

 Sum of SUBTRACTED word values in this remaining phrase of John 1:1 = -754
31 - 284 - 58 - 70 - 373 = -754 

"JESUS CHRIST" (SH) = 754 

Do you still doubt? Observe now the following geometric series, which is a Star representation of the Octagonal numbers (what I call "Square Rays"): 

We will now witness the ultimate geometric miracle, which shows how BOTH openings of the FIRST/LAST books of the Bible are geometrically tied to the number 73 (i.e. the mirror of 37): 

The sum of the ADDED word values in Genesis 1:1 = The 73rd Triangle 

913 + 203 + 86 + 401 + 395 + 407 + 296 = T(73

The sum of the SUBTRACTED word values in Revelation 1:1 = The 73rd Octagon 

1512 - 688 - 1680 - 58 - 884 - 1511 - 70 - 284 - 90 - 580 - 784 - 1171 - 1 - 19 - 283 - 55 - 916 - 31 - 359 - 897 - 15 - 770 - 512 - 1171 - 1110 - 1314 - 1171 - 929 = -15841 

    15841 = O(73

The "Square Ray" representation of the 73rd Octagon accommodates the 73rd Triangle. Thus, Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 1:1 form a perfect geometric pairing (through the opposite mathematical operations of addition/subtraction): 

Genesis 1:1 (ADDED word values) yields the 73rd Triangle 

Revelation 1:1 (SUBTRACTED word values) yields the 73rd Square Ray figure 

The 73rd Triangle pairs with the 73rd Square Ray figure 

Jesus Christ is the FIRST and the LAST 

   Jesus Christ is God 


 Battalion Of Christ, 

Leo Tavares (aka Megiddo)