Garry B (9 Apr 2023)

"JESUS WAS RISEN"...........

Mark 16:9

"Now when Jesus was RISEN EARLY the FIRST DAY of the week........."

Because each HEBREW DAY begins and ends from SUNSET to SUNSET  on God's Sacred Calendar this Scripture tells us that Jesus "WAS RISEN EARLY' which was SOON AFTER SUNSET of the Sabbath Day which, AFTER SUNSET,  then became Sunday "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK." 

Jesus was placed in the tomb shortly BEFORE SUNSET on the day He was crucified which was WEDNESDAY PASSOVER NISAN 14. The required three days and three nights in the tomb for Jesus to fulfill the 'Prophecy of Jonah' was from SUNSET WEDNESDAY to SUNSET of the SABBATH DAY which was Saturday. THEN Jesus rose EARLY" SOON AFTER SUNSET which was then Sunday   "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK". 

Jesus fulfilled the 'Prophecy of the Lamb of God' during THE FOUR DAYS BEFORE He was crucified from Nisan 10 to Wednesday Passover Nisan 14 which was THE DAY He was crucified.


Jesus fulfilled the 'Prophecy of Jonah' during THE THREE DAYS in the grave AFTER He was crucified from SUNSET PASSOVER WEDNESDAY to SUNSET SABBATH SATURDAY.  


After fulfilling BOTH the 'Prophecy of the Lamb of God ' during the FOUR DAYS BEFORE He was crucified , Jesus ALSO fulfilled the 'Prophecy of Jonah' being in the fish's stomach during the THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS AFTER He wa crucified. 

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !