Fay (30 Apr 2023)
"Britain's Betrayal of Israel"


Hi John and Doves,

The UK is just as culpable of betraying Israel. Which explains her steady downfall. The details in the article are fascinating. As a citizen of the UK, I can testify to this. The slow drip feed of a decreasing standard of living - the deliberate implosion our once amazing health service and the taking over of our political and sporting establishments. Things that we were once so incredibly proud of. Our police force has become a laughing stock. Protecting eco zealots over ordinary Brits and making every day life a misery for big city centres. Police corruption in abundance. Political corruption in abundance. Exhausting!

I recently watched a fabulous series - Matt Baker's Travels around the USA. Matt Baker is a lovely tv personality over here. I was blown away by the wonderful people, places, culture, faith, friendliness he encountered in beautiful America.. It has been many years since I last visited America (which I loved at the time). But, the media coverage has been THAT awful that so very many, outside of the USA, think that the majority of American people want increased abortion (the more the better for woman's so-called health). The media would lead us to think that America welcomes drag queen story time and that "right wing extremists" are selfishly trying to boycott this noble effort. The media would have us believe that most American's are fully behind the Dems and loathe DJ Trump. Unless one has the time to explore, the mainstream news keeps forming distorted opinions. In the meantime - a lot of British people are appalled at what is happening. Appalled at the action / inaction of our government. The media are humanities WORST enemy.

Britain’s Betrayal - Israel Today