Fay (30 Apr 2023)
"Lies,  lies and more Lies"


Hi John and Doves,

The so-called Palestinians are at it in full force. Attempting to deny the absolute fact that the Israeli's have made 'the desert bloom'. Ursula van der Leyen made this statement on Israel's Independence Day. This sent the 'Palestinians' into a media frenzy. Strange how the media depict ALL the Palestinians being outraged. I am willing to bet that the average 'Palestinian' is mostly concerned with feeding their families and not with every pearl that drops from Van der Leyen's lips. Much the same with every other person on this planet. Nobody gives a rats bum about trans human rights or any other media manufactured bilge. The majority of people have clocked the media deception. Almighty God's creation (us) are not stupid. What is looming is the need to make a choice between good and evil. Until recently, the secular world have remained tolerant of all the nonsense.

Events are coming that will force a choice. No luke- warm allowed.

Everything is a massive delusion.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

Palestinians blast EU Commission pres. for Israel comments - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)