Fay (30 Apr 2023)
"The Evil of Lilith. Lust!"


Hi John and Doves,

Article in the link from ZeroHedge. About how Kamala Harris slept her way to the top. This sounds all very Kardashian-like reality tv news but it appears to be historically accurate. Through lust - Harris secured her underserved position of power? I mean - being VP of the USA is no small fry! We all tend to dismiss her as a giggling idiot. Sheer mush coming out of her vacuous mouth. But, it takes a lot to get where she is. We can surmise that she holds a lot more clout than we realise.

Rabbi Glazerson's Bible Codes often throw up the word 'Lilith' in the most negative of terms. I can identify three (living) woman that this term applies to. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. The two Rice females have kept it low key.

The world has to face that if America falls - we all fall. GB News (UK) have reiterated this time and again).

Scary times.

Armstrong: Kamala's Affair - Sleeping Her Way To The Top | ZeroHedge