Chance (9 Apr 2023)
"'Summer Davos' in China, June, 2023"

Hello John and Doves,
The World Economic Forum announced it is having it's 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions in Tainjin, China in June.  
This will be interesting.  China is a member of BRICS - and wants a multi-polar world government.  Not a one world government.
But if Klaus plays his cards right, he could entice China to be the head of his One World Government.  Klaus has been praising China over the last couple of years for their quick and miraculous economic recovery from Covid-19, yet slamming them for their terrible record pollution!  But he can't have everything!
China is like the WEF red-headed step child - China has the social credit scores, the ultimate in surveillance and control of their population - things Klaus Schwab wants worldwide.  And the Chinese have been eating bugs for years! 
A Health Food Revolution Cooked Up In China With Bugs
"The Chinese surveillance state uses vast quantities of data and cutting-edge artificial intelligence to build a nimbler form of authoritarianism that's capable of exercising unprecedented social control...The ultimate goal is a perfectly engineered society that automatically neutralizes dissidents while reward those who comply with lives of convenience, safety and predictability."  And China is exporting their system and training other countries in systemizing social control.
Surveillance State: Social Control in China – The Diplomat
Klaus likes all of this control China has over it's populace.  And they already have the system set up and working beautifully!
And Klaus probably doesn't like the idea of China and Russia getting too cozy.  Both are super powers.  And he just can't seem to get control over Russia.  The U.S. and NATO are struggling in their war against Russia - their goal is removing Putin from power and dividing up Russia.  But Russia is having none of it.
The article states, "The WEF and the CCP are connected at the highest levels.  Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke at Winter Davos in 2017 and Beijing routinely sends top officials to the WEF's annual invite - only meetings in Switzerland.  In 2018, the CCP awarded Klaus Schwab with its prestigious China Reform Friendship Medal, the highest honor for non-Chinese nationals who help advance the CCP's priorities overseas."
Maybe it's the CCP using Klaus to get what they want.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!