Chance (9 Apr 2023)
"Things Are Really Starting to Heat Up!"

Hello John and Doves,
Well, it's the season of Passover, Easter (Resurrection Sunday) and Ramadan - as noted below, this is one of only three times in a century all three occur at the same time!!  What could possibly go wrong??
Before dawn on Wednesday, the Israeli police raided the al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount and clashed with 'worshipers'..-  then raided it a second time that day.  The first raid was because "hundreds of rioters and mosque desecrators had barricaded themselves inside.  When the police entered, stones were thrown at them and fireworks were fired from inside the mosque by a large group of agitators."  So these people had carrier 'weapons' inside the mosque!  Militants responded by firing rockets into Israel from Gaza.  More at the article:  Israeli police storm al-Aqsa mosque for the second time on Wednesday
Militants in Lebanon fired some of their own rockets into Israel.  "..the Israel Defence Forces described as the biggest rocket salvo since the 2006 war into northern Israel.  Most of the 34 projectiles were intercepted..."
"Hezbollah and its allies have faced extensive attacks by Israeli jets in Syrian territory over the last week, striking at what Israel believes to be sites to manufacture drones.
"As the Israeli jets struck in Gaza, salvoes of rockets were fired in response and sirens sounded in Israeli towns and cities in bordering areas.  The IDE also said it had launched strikes in Lebanon hitting "targets" including terrorist infrastructures belonging to Hamas."
Israel launches airstrikes in Lebanon and Gaza Strip after ‘biggest rocket salvo since 2006’ | Palestinian territories | The Guardian
These raids drew condemnation from "across the Arab and Mulsim world.  Jordan, Turkey, Egypt etc all condemned the storming of the mosque by police.  
Today, Saturday, 4/7, I received a SMS Alert Text from 
US Embassy Israel issues alert warning of mortar and rocket fire due to heightened tensions.  Caution and vigilance urged.
The IDF has carried out air strikes on targets belonging to the Palestinian militant group Hamas in southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.  The attacks were in response to a barrage of 34 rockets fired from Lebanon into northern Israel on Thursday, which it blamed on Hamas.
Militants in Gaza fired dozens more rockets after the strikes began.
Tensions are higih following two nights of Israeli police raids at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem earlier this week.
This year is one of only three times in a century when Easter occurs at the same time as Passover and Ramadan.
(end quote)
The most serious flare up of violence along the Israel and Lebanon border in nearly twenty years!
(60) Israel strikes Lebanon and Gaza as passover coincides with ramadan - YouTube
Brother John has good updates on his channel Watchman for that Great Day:
Iranian Revolutionary Guard is evacuating sites and headquarters near Damascus International Airport.
Syrian National Army are increasing air defense batteries in the center and south Syria.
Military camps in Syria raise alert level.
Israeli artillery now deployed to the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon
IDF recalling all military personnel from vacation and leave.
All public bombshelters are ordered opened.
Palestinian joint operations ready to confront and respond with all force to any Israeli action in the Gaza Strip.
Deployment of Iron Dome batteries in Tel Aviv and the surrounding area.
Hezbollah has batteries/missiles that can hit Israel.  Hezbollah is a proxy army of Iran's.
run time 8:12
Brother John said we might actually see Isaiah 17:1 - Damascus turned into a ruinous heap.  Or this may occur in the Tribulation.  He goes on and talks about Isaiah 17:14 "And behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not.  This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us."  At sundown, some time...there will be trouble - Brother John says we are there or very near as this escalates very quickly.
Another translation of this verse:  In the evening, there is sudden terror!  Before morning, they are no more!  This is the portion of those who plunder us, a fitting end for those who destroy us.
(My thought: this could be Israel's response to the Gog and Magog War - because Gog and his armies come to plunder Israel.  Hitting Damascus and turning it into a ruinous heap would be revenge for plundering Israel.)
"President Erdogan highlighted the importance of the unity of the Islamic world against Israel's increasing inhumane attacks in Palestine, especially on the Al-Aqsa Mosque."
The Iranian Foreign Minister said, "The Zionists are bewildered by the wave of convergence in the Islamic world as well as the outlook of the internal collapse of the regime."
"Turkey is undeniably responsible - at least in part - for the infrastructure that Hamas is wielding in Lebanon,"  Foundation for Defense of Democracy senior vice president Jonathan Schanzer told the Washington Examiners.  "Turkey's patronage of Hamas continues."
Just more proxy wars - Turkey fighting Israel via Hamas.  Iran fighting Israel via Hezbollah and Hamas.
Iran-Hezbollah Intelligence Center in Beirut May Help Hamas Target Israel
"As tensions grow between Israel and Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, there is an increased chance of escalation on various fronts."
Are Iran, Hezbollah risking direct confrontation with Israel? - analysis

Are we close to the Gog and Magog war breaking out?  Or an overall WW3?
Surely we are close to the Rapture!
Here's a Live Skyline cam on Jerusalem
(61) JERUSALEM 🔴Live Skyline - YouTube
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!