Chance (9 Apr 2023)
"Federal Reserve's FedNow Instant Payment Service"

Hello John and Doves,
This does not bode well for us...
Not that many people are aware..yet....of the FedNow Federal Reserve "alternative" to digital currency.
This new banking system will be launched in July.
"FedNow, as it will be known, will create "a leading-edge payments system that is resilient, adaptive, and accessible,...The system will allow bill payments, money transfers such as paycheck and disbursements from the government, as well as a host of other consumer activities to move more rapidly and at lower cost, according to the program's goals."
"Participants will complete a training and certification process in early April...."With the launch drawing hear, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service...."
"Some Fed officials say the program even could supplant the need to a central bank digital currency."
Long-awaited Fed digital payment system to launch in July
Wow!  As I wrote, this is their alternative to the digital currency.
This is what we've been dreading....their control of our money - where we spend it, how much we spend, etc.
The Federal Reserve could then easily control what we spend for food - and the price of the food.
"And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius (a day's wages) and three quarts of barley for a denarius;"  Rev 6:6
Back in May 2022, Credit Unions and banking trade groups sent a letter to the chain and ranking member (that would be Maxine Waters - we know her history with Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX!!) of the House Financial Services Committee, "warning of "devastating consequences" if the Federal Reserve moves forward with a Central Bank Digital Currency.  I sincerely doubt this letter changed anyone's view on the coming FedNow banking system.
In their letter they point out that the "dollar functions primarily in digital form today".  They argue that this new system would decrease the availability of credit and increase the cost of credit.  They see no advantage in switching to a new monetary system, in fact, they wrote, "The purported benefits of a CBDC are uncertain and unlikely to be realized, while the costs are real and acute.  For these reasons, we do not see a compelling case for a CBDC in the United States today."  They went on, "..a CBDC does not appear to support the role of the U.S. dollar internationally."  They note that this "requires moving funds from banks to the Federal Reserve."  "Losing this critical funding source would undermine the economics of the banking business model, severely restricting credit availability increasing the cost of credit, and causing a slowdown of the economy."  They also believe there has to be Congressional legislation to do this - that the Federal Reserve can't just set up their own money system.
Joint Trades Hill Letter on CBDC.pdf
The Federal Reserve is moving along with this without any Congressional legislation!
The Credit Unions and banking trade groups refute all the claims by the FedNow supporters.
Vanderbilt Law Review published a 69-page paper that proposed a "radical restructuring of the Fed that would include the following:
1)  Move all commercial bank deposits from commercial banks to so-called FedAccounts at the Federal Reserve.
2)  All the Fed, in "extreme and rare circumstances, when the Fed is unable to control inflation by raising interest rates" to confiscate deposits from these FedAccounts in order to tighten monetary policy.
4)  Eliminate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) that insures bank deposits in the U.S. and that prevents panic runs on banks.
5)  Consolidate all bank regulatory functions at the OCC (Office of the Controller of the Currency)
Credit Unions and Banking Groups Warn of “Devastating Consequences” of a U.S Central Bank Digital Currency
The current OCC First Deputy Comptroller is Michael J Hsu - he was appointed by Janet Yellen - Secretary of the Treasury and BIG Great Reset/WEF member.  Hsu was a staff attorney in the Federal Reserve Board's Legal Division, so he fits right in with the Fed's agenda.
We can see where this is going - total control of our money.  What we spend it on.  How much we spend.  And the government will control whether we have access to our money or not.  We know the censoring this government is capable of.
Looks like our government is letting the Federal Reserve do whatever they want.  I'm sure it's all in line with the One World government the Biden administration is in align with.
Will this FedNow actually happen?  Or will WW3 preempt all of this?  Will the loaf of bread for a daily wage be due to some take over of the world's monetary system or will it be due to the coming famine prophesied in The Revelation?  Or some combination of control/famine?
THEY will really push this over the next few weeks to get banks and credit unions signed up.   And maybe we'll see TV ads for the public.
Here's a recent article, April 6, 2023 - it states that this "service" will be available "to all banks and credit unions within a few months."
More than 100 organizations taking part in FedNow Pilot Program
Certainly not something I'm signing up for.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!