Chance (9 Apr 2023)
"Genetic Technology Act 2023, UK and Control of the Food Supply Part 2"

Hello John and Doves,

Part 1 of these letters was about the food supply and genetic modification of plants and animals that humans consume.
Part 2 is about taking this genetic modification further - into "vaccinating" those who consume the foods.  And even going beyond that!
The link is to Dr. Peter McCullough's substack.
" oral route of administration is being considered specifically for Covid-19 vaccination using mRNA in cow's milk."
In a Chinese study, "Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that a shortened mRNA code of 675 base pairs could be loaded into phospholipid packets called exosomes derived from milk and then using that same milk, be fed to mice.  The mice gastrointestinal tract absorbed the exosomes and the mRNA must have made it into the blood stream and lymphatic tissue because antibodies were produced in fed mice against SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein....The Chinese have just taken the first of what will probably be many more dangerous steps for the world.
Chinese Load Cow's Milk with mRNA Exosomes--Successfully Immunize Mice
Then there is this:  
"Gene-editing is now officially in our meat industry.  Lobbyists for the Cattlemen and Pork Associations in several states have confirmed that they will be using the mRNA Covid vaccines on their livestock."
And a company names Medicago has a process to "develop vaccines using our plants as mini-bioreactors...Now, the plants will start producing the most important ingredient of our vaccines:  virus-like-particles."
And this:
"In recent years edible vaccines emerged as a new concept developed by biotechnologists.  Edible vaccines are subunit vaccines where the selected genes are introduced into the plants and the transgenic plant is then induced to manufacture the encoded protein.  Foods under such application include potato, banana, lettuce, corn, soybean, rice and legumes.  They are easy to administer, easy to store, and readily acceptable delivery system for different age group patients yet cost effective."
Edible Vaccines - PMC
And this:
Dr. Malone is warning about mRNA vaccines being injected into our food supply.  "Dr. Malone says they've been working on livestock and companion animal mRNA vaccines for over 6 years."  So this isn't new technology or research.  He states that "mRNA vaccines in livestock and companion animals are here now."
I've seen articles saying that American farmers will begin injecting livestock with mRNA shots this month.  And I've seen an article stating cattle ranchers deny this. Hmmm.
And in the U.S. - the labeling on foods is no longer "GMO" but "bioengineered" or "derived from bioengineering".  The other day, I was reading the label on a container of frosting - it had "derived from bioengineering" - I was surprised - frosting!  I threw that out.  Don't know how much else in my pantry is "bioengineered."
GMO is out, 'bioengineered' is in, as new U.S. food labeling rules take effect : NPR
And it's not just about "vaccinating" people without them knowing about it - but all the other bits of information that can be put into the human body - the brain, organs, etc. via mRNA. Moderna calls their Covid-19 "vaccine" an operating system.  What will they be able to control with this operating system?
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!