Chance (30 Apr 2023)
"Massive Depopulation Planned for NYC And The World?"

Hello John and Doves,
Looks like New York City - with a population of 8.8 million people - is expecting a drastic drop in their population by 2030 - they have a "new goal to reduce carbon emissions from food purchases across city agencies by one-third by 2030."  Along with a planned decrease in  emissions involving health care and transportation!  The easiest and fastest way to do this is via depopulation.
I believe THEY have a depopulation event planned for the world because I doubt that by 2030 (the globalists magic number), NYC's population will be able to live on a 33% reduction in food purchases.  (Even going 'vegan' like their mayor, has a carbon footprint!  Especially for 8.8 million people!  Producing crickets in massive numbers also has a carbon footprint!  To feed some 9 million people by 2030 will still require fossil fuels to even be remotely affordable - transportation of food into the city, production on farms, production of fertilizer, etc.  All things these "green" people don't like.  How will they feed 9 million people??)
THEY are looking at cutting food staples now for billions of people around the planet -
"Rice is to blame for 10 percent of global emissions of methane...if the world wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rice cannot be ignored."
"Eliminating or reducing rice would decimate people, particularly the poor."
The Next Item on the Climate Cult's 'Naughty List' - A Common Staple Food - Gives Scam Away – RedState
They don't want people eating meat or rice or eggs or dairy.  "The new inventory shows that 20 percent of New York City's greenhouse gas emissions come from household food consumption - primarily from meats, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.  This means New Yorkers can significantly reduce the city's emissions by eating more low-carbon food, including fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes."
Mayor Adams Commits to Reducing City’s Food-Based Emissions by 33 Percent by 2030 | City of New York
I really can't see the people going vegan in mass by 2030.  Not unless there is something forced upon them - like CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) where purchases are controlled.
"Food will now be included in the city's annual inventory of emission sources from a range of sources, from health care to travel."
What NYC is looking at is "behavior change" of the people - good luck with that!  But then again, the Democrats/Liberals of NYC have fallen for the "climate emergency" so maybe these personal sacrifices will be something they'll gladly do to "save the planet" and "achieve THEIR climate goals".
As for transportation, last week I sent a letter
Close All Small Airports By 2030 And Other Globalist Plans
THEY need to close all small airports by 2030 and they want all internal combustion engine cars banned by 2030 and highway use down 60% - that includes EVs!!
So NYC plans to cut transportation also by 2030.  Mass transit in NYC is buses and subways.   According to the following website, bikes and walking, public transportation will be the predominant means of transportation.
If you look at the Mayor's Office of Climate & Environmental Justice it reads like the WEF website!
About - NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
On this website:  For transportation, NYC is looking at walking, biking and public transit.  For energy, NYC is looking at solar, offshore wind and geothermal.  For buildings, infrastructure and land, "over two thirds of emissions comes from buildings" so that will need to be addressed.  And the city has a 2030 target of 85% of New Yorkers living within walking distance of a park.  There could never be enough land or roof tops for NYC to go solar.  And never enough wind and wind turbines for NYC to produce enough energy for 8.8 million people!  The technology is just not there.
How this will accommodate a growing population of 8.8 million New Yorkers isn't doable.  Not even a remote chance of reaching this goal.

It all sounds good, but the details on how to achieve all of these wonderful things is woefully missing. And where will the financing come from for all of the solar, wind, geothermal projects, the new parks, refabing old buildings into new green buildings...
making homes, community spaces "safe from flooding and high heat", coastal storm surge, extreme rainfall, tidal flooding, 2030.  (Sounds like NYC is expecting an apocalypse by 2030!)
This is absolutely ridiculous.  At the current population level.  But if the population is decreased by 50% - even that is a stretch for all THEIR plans to work out.
Now if NYC is counting on a CBDC to help motivate this change...what people buy to eat will be affected.  Transportation choice will be affected.  Health care choice will be affected. 
But with the crime the way it is in NYC - up 23% in 2022, does the mayor of NYC think people will joyfully go along with plant-based diets?  Cuts on their transportation choices?  Cuts in health care?
The fastest and easiest way to deal with this "climate emergency" is depopulation.  Will this be done by the vaxx (as a two-part bioweapon, where a second virus will be released that is a "trigger" for this vaxx - resulting in massive deaths?) or will there just be a new virus released like Bill Gates and Fauci have been warning since Covid?
"The world's most renowned population analyst (Paul Ehrlich) has called for a massive reduction in the number of humans and for natural resources to be redistributed from the rich to the poor."  Ehrlich said that the optimum population of Earth "enough to guarantee the minimal physical ingredients of a decent life to everyone - was 1.5 to 2 billion people..."  He went on to say that "...we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage." 
Cut world population and redistribute resources, expert urges | Overconsumption | The Guardian
I find it ridiculous how these rich billionaire globalists always include in their talks and on their websites, in their Green New Deals and their Great Reset, the redistribution of wealth known as "equity" - from the rich to the poor!  What a joke!  They will never part with their riches!  That's a lie to make people fall for their evil agenda.  That, oh how humane their plans are and how much they care for humanity!
So how would he suggest we 'humanely' and 'rapidly' decrease the population?  Prince Charles and Biden have both said we are in a crisis with the climate emergency - we have to act now and swiftly. 
The globalists have been using targeted sterilization, birth control, abortion for years to decrease overpopulation via decreasing live births.  Transgender, homosexuality, sterilizing drugs, mutilating surgeries - all play a small part in this evil plan.  The only other way is to increase the death rate. Wars can do that.  And no cures for diseases - like cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, etc.  Pesticides, toxic spills, contaminated drinking water.  Lab created biowoeapons.  Controlling the food supply.  Transhumanism.
Top 10 Methods Used to Reduce the Human Population - War Is Crime
However, to rapidly decrease the population - a bioweapon or wars would be the fastest of all.  I believe that the Covid-19 "vaccine" has a part in this depopulation.  The way this has been PUSHED on the public and all the lies and deception associated with Covid and this "vaccine" - all very alarming.  The deaths have certainly not been rapid enough or in high enough numbers for I think something more is coming.  The Chinese want a bloodless victory - and have talked about ethnic bioweapons for years.  The Chinese gave us the mRNA code to make the "vaccine".  The only people who would trust the Chinese for something this HUGE without any analysis/testing/clinical trials/etc would be those in on a nefarious plan to reduce our population. 
Dr. Lee Merritt was in the Navy and was trained in bioweapons.  She said way back, in 2020 I believe, that the Covid virus looked like a two-part bioweapon.  She said that the mRNA coronavirus a perfect binary weapon.
"So, if I were China, and I wanted to take down our military...I'd make something to hook onto this coronavirus, like the spike protein, or another protein...then make an m-RNA to that spike and put it in a vaccine......and then some time later release whatever it is I made - the counterpart - and when the person who has received this vaccine comes in contact with the 'released bioweapon' they experience an immune enhancement death. 
"It's a delayed death that's what binary poisons are."  I give you part one (the m-RNA vaccine) and then I can walk away, and then you 'accidentally' get in contact with part two and you die and you can't trace it.  That's not a hypothetical threat."  
We are just waiting for the second half of the weapon once lots of people have been vaccinated.  Thus the push to get everyone vaccinated.
MUST READ! “The mRNA VACCINE IS THE PERFECT BIOLOGICAL WEAPON” — Dr. Lee Merritt | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
Some people believe that Covid was created to bring this "vaccine" to the public.  There are Chinese massing in Panama now...maybe on the way to the southern border - waiting for Title 42 to end.  They'll probably join the masses entering and BP will be even more overwhelmed.  The Chinese will just walk in.  (Add to the Chinese balloon and the green laser lights over Hawaii)  Will they carry with them and spread part-2 of this binary bioweapon?  It won't affect them because China didn't give this mRNA "vaccine" to her people.
The handling of this "vaccine" has been massively suspicious from the get go.  (The handling of the virus was suspicious also and absolutely dismal - we were flat out lied to about it.  And the government didn't consult virologists or epidemiologists about this.  We had Fauci/NIH and his pack of HIV 'friends" in the Covid Task Force!  Mostly Fauci ran the show.)
From the hurried EUA, the lack of clinical trials, the bribes, threats, loss of employment, attacks by the government on physicians, virologists, epidemiologists, banning of proven treatments, the pathetic PCR test with it's huge number of false positives, the fake increase in deaths, the threats on physicians to get on board with the narrative, remdesivir - that was never ever approved by FDA for any thing because it killed people, social media banning/misinformation for anyone speaking outside of the narrative - if this doesn't make one question this whole thing.....And they are still pushing this "vaccine" even though this original virus is long gone.  This is why I think something more is coming involving this "vaccine".  There is something in it that they want in everyone.  There is a reason for this.
 About 70% of the world's population has received a Covid "vaccine".  30% is 2.4 billion people.  Awfully close to the perfect 2 billion number.
Prince Philip said he wanted to come back as a deadly virus to help with the overpopulation.
Prince Philip Quote About Reincarnating As a Deadly Virus Resurfaces
And his son, King Charles is behind The Great Reset and the "climate emergency".  A big advocate for depopulation.  Like father, like son.  And Biden and other leaders are pushing this around the world.
Something bad has been planned for the world population to bring about this depopulation necessary for THEIR global agenda to be reached.
This "climate emergency" is a lie, a deception, to get the public to follow them.  Beware!  They have nothing good planned for the world!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!