Chance (30 Apr 2023)
"The Federal Reserve Has Created The Crisis And Their Solution is FedNow - CBDC"

Hello John and Doves,
"On Friday, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced that it will be placing First Republic Bank under receivership making this the third bank collapse in the past two months under President Biden's watch." 
(Silvergate Capital, isn't included in this list of major collapsed banks.  It was worth over $11 billion in assets; Signature Bank had over $114 billion in assets.  Silicon Valley Bank had $209 billion in assets and $175.4 billion in deposits.  First Republic Bank had $100 billion in assets and $35 billion in investment securities.  At the time of failures.)
"All deposits will be repaid..."  Silvergate was one of the two main crypto company banks - along with Signature Bank ).  "FTX was a major Silvergate customer."
Silvergate shutting down operations, liquidating after crypto meltdown
Back in March, following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic Bank received an emergency loan of $20 billion from Wells Fargo, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PNC, BNY Mellon, Truist, US Bancorp, State Street and Citigroup to prop it up.
First Republic is the latest bank to fail.  First Republic's stock fell 94.4% from the start of 2023...a big part of that, 57.6% happened between Monday and Wednesday last week.
BREAKING: Another Bank COLLAPSES Under Biden's Watch, Third In Two Months - DC Enquirer
The U.S. Federal Reserve is pushing banks to step up for 'environmental sustainability' in support of the government's net-zero economy goal.  62% of banks surveyed "said they are monitoring client's emissions and environmental profiles...."
Banks Increasingly See Climate Risk As Top Priority
Serious poor management with investments, for example in "climate change" (the Fed's push for 'environmental sustainability') has resulted in these banks stealing their customers money to invest in The Great Reset agenda...And bad investments in the cryptocurrencies and "as of the end of last year U.S. banks held Treasuries and other securities with about $620 billion of unrealized losses, according to the FDIC."  A big part of these unrealized losses are due to the Federal Reserve's own response to inflation - raising interest rates up and up and up which resulted in "old" Treasuries and other government bonds to drop in the new bonds had higher interest rates.  When a bank sells these old bonds, this is a loss for them.  And Federal regulators of the Federal Reserve knew of bank problems and admitted to not pushing the banks to fix these HUGE problems.  They also knew of problems with cryptocurrency - even before the FTX disaster!
Then these banks get bailed out - stealing from everyone! 
The bail outs of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank were suppose to "stabilize" the system.  And "the Fed's lending program means banks should be able to "ride out the storm", but "no guarantee that this will work."
After Two Historic US Bank Failures, Here’s What Comes Next
And, of course, it's not working.
These bail outs are supposedly from the FDIC's insurance fund that "would be replenished by a levying a additional fee on banks" - which of course is passed on to clients and businesses that use banks.
Feds to Raise Interest Rates Again:
And what is the Fed's response to yet another big bank failure?  Raise the interest rates!!!  They will be meeting next Tuesday and Wednesday
Fed expected to raise rates again, perhaps for the last time this cycle
As a bonus, THEY can use these massive bank collapses, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, now First Republic Bank, (and the FTX collapse) as a push for their digital currency and FedNow agenda - coming in July.  A recession is coming this year.  Inflation will continue to rise.
So what can be done?  Some think the digital currency will "fix the inflation problem"  And Biden signed and EO "instructing the federal government and Federal Reserve to lay groundwork for a potential new U.S. currency, a digital dollar....If the United States were to adopt a digital would be one of the most dramatic expansions of federal power ever made, one that could put individuals and businesses in grave danger of losing their social and economic freedoms."
The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) would be managed by the Federal Reserve.  This 'money' would not be in a physical form.  It would be digital - the Federal Reserve "would have the ability to create more digital dollars whenever it sees fit...and the dollars could be formulated to have various rules and restrictions built into their design.  For example, a digital dollar could be crafted to restrict fossil-fuel use, to give bonuses to people for spending at particular businesses, to enact de facto price controls by disallowing users from spending too much on particular products or even to redistribute wealth"....the Federal Reserve could even limit the amount of CBDC a client could have.
All of this is for "climate change", "equity", "financial inclusion" - all the correct WEF/Great Reset buzz words.
Because THEY would control the "money" and the "spending" -

Digital currency can fix the inflation problem - The Hindu BusinessLine
THEY have been stealing money from the American people for their climate change/climate emergency agenda since Joe took office in January 2021!  Taking as much money as they can steal before collapsing the whole thing on top of us and setting up their digital currency.
Mastercard (a big supporter of the WEF/Great Reset) says they are ready for the July roll out of the Federal Reserve's FedNow system - "Mastercard is also leveraging generative AI...with the emergence of ChatGPT."  And Mastercard admitted that the failures of these massive banks is a bonus for them - and they are even expecting higher interest rates!!
‘We’re Well-Positioned’ for FedNow, Says Mastercard’s CEO – Digital Transactions
It is coming - the EOs have already been in place for some time - the Federal government, the U.S. central bank (Federal Reserve) have been working on this for some time.  And the Federal Reserve is launching their FedNow system in July. 
Federal Reserve Board - Federal Reserve announces July launch for the FedNow Service
The Federal Reserve bank has a fancy website all set up - with a "guided journey" and it
even has a "city" with all the links to find out more information.  Find Learning and Resources With FedNow Explorer
This all looks innocent 'on paper.'  But this is all about control of the people - controlling the economy, controlling how we buy and sell and what we buy and sell.
Note how the Federal Reserve has literally caused (allowed) these massive failures - pushing banks into "environmental sustainability",  raising the interest rate over and over and over, not doing proper oversight of banks knowing the banks had major problems and would be in massive trouble, and not regulating or 'checking the books' of cryptocurrency banking/investing....knowing there were major problems.
Federal Bank Regulators Move to Provide Further Guidance on Digital Asset Activities | Blockchain Legal Resource
And add the collapse of FTX - a crypto exchange and crypto  hedge fund' worth around $40 billion; lawyers discovered that "no trained professionals from outside the company and its dozens of affiliates ever looked over FTX's books.  "Billions of dollars of cash and crypto assets remain unaccounted for.  Sam Bankman-Fried has pleaded not guilty to all federal charges including "a recently introduced a charge that he authorized bribes of $40 million in crypto to be paid to Chinese officials to unlock $1 billion in funds frozen on a Chinese crytpo exchange."  Tens of millions went to 196 members of Congress as FTX donations.  People who worked with Sam have turned on him to co-operate with prosecutors.  One such company executive said he "coded a backdoor that would allow Bankman-Fried and his collaborators to move funds from FTX to Alameda without leaving a trail."  There is much much more to learn.  Bankman-Fried is out on $250M bail.
The swift and messy demise of Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX crypto empire | CBC News
"The FTX debacle was ultimately the Federal Reserve's fault."
The Federal Reserve did this!!  "Thanks to the Fed policy over the last decade or so, we have a gigantic bubble....Not only is inflation going to get much worse than it already is, but we're going to have a worse financial crisis than the one we had in 2008. ...It may be worse than the Great Depression."
Peter Schiff: The FTX Debacle Was Ultimately the Federal Reserve’s Fault | SchiffGold
But this is exactly what THEY do - create problems then provide 'the solutions'!!
This was all planned by the Federal Reserve to push their FedNow system (which is their CBDC) on Americans.  Following Biden's EOs and the agenda of the globalists/WEF/Great Reset agenda.  I will keep an eye on the progress of FedNow.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!