Hello John and Doves,
THEY never schedule a big event, like the coronation of a king, on just any day. May 6 has specific significance to THEM. What we do know, it is on the day of a penumbral lunar eclipse (it will not be visible from London; and this lunar eclipse follows a rare hybrid solar eclipse), it is on a Jewish sabbath, it is on a full moon, and the day after the peak night from the Eta Aquarids meteor shower, and right after second Passover. And the Stone of Destiny returns for the coronation.I had never heard of the Stone of Destiny - some believe it is Jacob's pillow - that became the pillar the Davidic kings stood on to be crowned. And this will be placed under King Charles' Coronation Chair.Lots of recent letters about second Passover as a possible Rapture day.We've had a number of recent letters about the coming May 5 - May 6 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. About one in three of all lunar eclipses are penumbral. And this coming eclipse will happen on May 5 and on May 6, the Moon will pass though the Earth's shadow, resulting in a lunar eclipse. "A penumbral lunar eclipse is the most subtle kind of lunar eclipse, one that most people won't even notice. The moon's shadow won't be detected until the disk of the moon is immersed in about 2/3 of penumbral shadow."
A deep penumbral lunar eclipse overnight May 5-6
A map at the above link shows the whole eclipse will be visible over Antarctica, Asia, Russia, Africa and Oceania. It will be visible at moonrise over the Middle East and half of Europe and half of Africa. It will not be visible over the U.S., South America, or Western Europe (that includes London, England, UK).Lunar eclipses follow solar eclipses - so what solar eclipse recently happened? That "rare hybrid solar eclipse" - "the first of its kind in nearly 10 years". This occurred on April 19/April 20. This was called a "rare celestial event". It's also known as an annular total eclipse. It's called a hybrid because on same areas of the Earth the moon will appear as the same size as the sun (which happens during a total eclipse) and on other areas of the Earth the moon will appear to be smaller than the sun (which happens during an annular eclipse). Thus the name, annular-total eclipse or hybrid eclipse.
How to view the rare hybrid solar eclipse this week | CNNThis solar eclipse happened on 28/29 Nisan. Omer Day 14.This coming lunar eclipse will happen on 14/15 Iyar. Omer Day 30. This is a Shabat. The 5th Sabbath after Passover.So, following a rare hybrid solar eclipse, April 19/20 and during a penumbral lunar eclipse May 5/6, King Charles and Queen Camilla will be crowned at West Minister Abbey - May 6. This is a Shabat. The coronation follows Pesach Sheni or Second Passover on May 4/5.
Torah CalendarThe full moon of May is Friday, May 5, "at precisely 1:34 PM EDT. This month's full moon is known as the "flower" moon."
May's full moon is coming soon: When to see the 'flower' moonThe Eta Aquarids meteor shower will take place in early May and peak on May 5.
Must-see May astronomy events to mark on your calendar"This year could be particularly spectacular with experts predicting a meteor "outburst". Eta Aquarii is a near star in the constellation of Aquarius the Water Bearer; it is the radiant point for this meteor shower. Aquarius lies in a region of the sky called The Sea - dark and deep - Cetus the Whale, Pisces the Fish, Eridanus the River are all here.
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower: How to Watch When It Peaks on May 5
Aaron of God a Minute? talks about Pisces, second Passover, Rapture in this youtube:
(78) The Man Child Was Caught Up ⬆️ - YouTube
run time 6:23King Charles:King Charles will be declared "Protector of All Faiths." Fay wrote a recent letter about this:
Charles - Defender of All Faiths!!
A coronation medal is being created - one for the king and one for the queen. Also, there is an Award Commemorative Medal - on it are The Crown, The Orb and the Sceptre "surrounded by the wording THE CORONATION OF HIS MAJESTY CHARLES III" and the date 6th May, 2023. On the reverse side is Charles III cypher surrounded by the words "PROTECTOR OF ALL FAITHS" "to reflect the king's desire to protect the free practice of all faiths in his country and the date of the coronation."And then there is the Stone of Destiny - Jacob's Pillow Stone:And The Stone of Destiny is being returned from Scotland to England for Charles' coronation: It will be placed beneath the Coronation Chair.
(78) King Charles' coronation to feature historic return of Stone of Destiny - YouTube
run time 00:45This stone has "long been shrouded in mystery and myth". "But the Telegraph reports that the stone was rumored to have biblical connections" and may been used in Scottish rulers' coronations...During these early coronations, the stone "was believed to roar with joy when it recognized the right monarch,"..."The entire history of the Davidic throne in the British Isles is linked to a mysterious, yet biblically significant "coronation stone" called, by the Irish, the "stone of destiny" or Lia-Fail....the stone was delivered to the Isles by Jeremiah the prophet when he brought King Zedekiah's daughter, Tephi, to Ireland to marry into the Judah-Zarahite royal line." Chapter 12.This stone may be the "pillar-stone" associated with the coronation of all the kings of ancient Judah...Until the late 1950s, there was a plate attached to the chair near the stone with the inscription "Jacob's Pillar Stone" - an obvious reference to Genesis 28:18...The stone measures about 26 inches long, 16 inches wide and 10 inches thick." And it's believed to be the same stone that Jacob anointed with oil at Bethel (Gen 28:18-19) and "was carried about by priests on the march in the wilderness..."
Appendix 5 - Jacob’s Pillow Stone—The Prophetic “Stone of Destiny”
"The British coronation ceremony appears to be taken directly from the Bible - from the coronations of David and Solomon. Today, a new monarch is anointed with oil by the Archbishop of Canterbury, trumpets are sounded, and the people shout "God save the King" (I Samuel 10:24; I Kings 1:39) In II Chronicles 23:13, when Joash is crowned king "it says Joash "stood on his pillar" "as it usually was done"...it was not just any pillar, but the pillar - one set apart for this purpose. Notice that it was apparently routine to crown kings on this stone - the KJV reads, "as the manner was" (II Kings 11:14)""But was this "coronation" pillar the future "Stone of Destiny" - the esteemed Lia-Fail of Ireland? Was it the "stone of Jacob" - the one he anointed at Bethel?" In Genesis 28, Jacob takes his "pillow" and "sets it up as a "memorial stone" and anoints it with oil Then he renamed the place Bethel - "house of God"." Jacob made a vow..."And this stone which I have set for a pillar shall be (symbolic of) God's house." When Jacob returned to Bethel many years later, "..God added the promise of "many kings" right in the place where Jacob had set up his "pillar" - the stone that would become the Coronation Stone of all the kings of Judah.""After Jacob's death, the Bethel-stone remained in possession of his sons; it is likely that the tribe of Judah became its guardian, since the stone would come to be linked to royalty. Given the importance of the stone, there is no doubt that it accompanied." the children of Israel on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land."..."Interestingly, the particular geological material that makes up the Coronation Stone (calcareous sandstone) apparently cannot be found in the British Isles - but it can be found in the Middle East."
Appendix 5 - Jacob’s Pillow Stone—The Prophetic “Stone of Destiny”
The Second Passover:Jesus fulfilled the first Passover, the second Passover is for those who were "unable to bring the offering at its appointed time." This was created by God for the people who wanted a "second chance". They wanted to make amends for missing the first Passover. God paved a way fro them. "In the same way, says the Rebbe, we must cry, plead and even demand that God bring Moshiach (the Messiah) and the Final Redemption."
10 Facts About Pesach Sheini Every Jew Needs to Know - Chabad.orgRebbe went on to say that "second Pesach" (Passover) "....is one of those special days in the year, it must possess a quality that not even the first Pesach has"......."...it must possess some quality which the first Pesach and other festivals do not.". The Jews asked God for a second chance, asking "Why should we be deprived?" God heard their cries and created second Passover.
Pesach Sheni, 5744 (1984) - Chabad.orgThis makes me think about how the Gentiles have been grated into the tree. Gentiles could make the same demand of God, "Why should we be deprived?" God has heard our cries also. As we "cry, plead and even demand that God bring The Messiah and the Final Redemption".Pesach Sheni teaches we are not unworthy of "making demands" of God. Just like the demand of a second chance at Passover was given by God. And it teaches that we are to wait for The Messiah and demand our redemption. To speedily send The Messiah - to bring "salvation and deliverance" "immediately".The other feast days are God's command, Pesach Sheni is man's demand. And God declared it a "festival in its own right."
Pesach Sheni, 5744 (1984) - Chabad.orgSo Pesach Sheni, or second Passover is different from all of the other feast days. Will this day be the day of the Rapture? The day we demand God bring The Messiah and our Final Redemption?if we click on the little moon on Day 15, it takes us via a link to "Penumbral Lunar Eclipse". The verse chosen for this is Joel 2:31-32: "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."Will a lunar eclipse, a full moon, a meteor shower, and a kingly coronation be a harbinger of something big?There are many biblical verses about the sun and the moon. "The full moon is a powerful symbol in the Bible." The Passover full moon, "symbolizes the clarity and completeness of God's deliverance for the Israelite's from Egypt." Will the second Passover be for the deliverance of the Gentiles?"In the bible, the full moon is often associated with the concept of completeness or fulfillment...This symbolism is often applied to spiritual concepts such as salvation or the fulfillment of prophecy.""It is believed to be a time when the heavens are open, providing a unique opportunity to connect with God or the divine."
What Does the Full Moon Mean in the Bible? - Meaningful Moon
The shofar is to be blown at the full moon. Psalm 81:3As for eclipses, "Eclipses - being caused by natural processes set in motion by God at the Creation - could be understood to signify future or otherwise distant events.""As was written in the Bible: "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars." Luke 21:25
Medieval Christians saw the lunar eclipse as a sign from God — but they also understood the scienceAn eclipse is considered a bad omen - often an omen of coming war or pestilence. For example, "on August 21, 1914, a total solar eclipse crossed into Europe. It was dubbed the World War I eclipse." And on June 8, 1918 a solar eclipse crossed through the United States - the Spanish flu that year brought the death of some 675,000 Americans.
Solar Eclipses Omens of Significant Historic Events — Charisma NewsTHEY never schedule a big event, like the coronation of a king, on just any day. May 6 has specific significance to THEM. What we do know, it is on the day of a penumbral lunar eclipse (it will not be visible from London; and this lunar eclipse follows a rare hybrid solar eclipse), it is on a Jewish sabbath, it is on a full moon, and the day after the peak night from the Eta Aquarids meteor shower, and right after second Passover. And the Stone of Destiny (quite possibly the pillar used in the coronation of the Biblical Davidic kings) will be placed under Charles Coronation Chair.For me, King Charles is a top candidate for the Antichrist. Carl Worline had an amazing letter recently with lots of information about Charles' bloodline, coat of arms, etc. - many interesting tidbits that make one wonder....
And Monte Judah has a video with lots of amazing information concerning the oil for the coronation.
(78) Messianic World Update | King Charles Coronation, Israel News & More - YouTube
In this letter is this link:
Pope gifts two fragments from cross Jesus was crucified on to King Charles for coronation procession | Daily Mail OnlineTwo Shards from the Cross of Christ:King Charles was sent "two shards of the True Cross - which is said to have been used in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ - were given to Charles by Pope Francis to make his enthronement. The small fragments have been incorporated into the Cross of Wales, which will be seen by millions as it is carried into Westminster Abbey on May 6....Both pieces are shaped as crosses, one being 1cm in size and the other 5mm, and are set into the larger silver crucifix behind a rose crystal gemstone so they can only be viewed up close. The Cross of Wales, which is a gift from the King to the Church of Wales to celebrate its centenary, will be blessed by the Archbishop of Wales, Andrew John, in a service at Holy Trinity Church, Llandudno, North Wales, today before it heads to London."What gave me a chill was a picture of King Charles with a hammer - hammering the hallmark (King's Mark) onto the silver Cross of Wales. Charles is The man behind The Great Reset, "climate emergency", depopulation, the one who spoke about 'a man with an army who is to come with trillions at his disposal' - hammering on a cross that would contain shards from the cross of Christ. Ugh.We've had many recent letters on second Passover - here is Steve Mullin's 9 Apr 2023; he wrote that "2nd Passover could specifically be for the overcomers and redeemed."
The Prodigal Son, 2nd Passover and The Far Journey
Final Thoughts:And then I had a thought, IF Charles ends up being the Antichrist and he sits on the pillar used to crown kings of the Davidic throne how blasphemous that would be!Would he receive that mortal head wound during the coronation procession - say, after he's crowned 'King of All Faiths'?Would the Jewish people accept King Charles III as another Davidic king? Carl Worline's letter notes that 'Charles' bloodline has been charted all the way back to King David...' Hmmm. How fitting he be crowned upon the Coronation Stone then. Ugh.Don't think Believers will be here for that as that is in The Revelation/Tribulation...but maybe the Rapture will happen the day before on second Passover!Not long to find out!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance