Chance (30 Apr 2023)
"Gino, Lewis - Faux Aliens and Mutilated Cattle in Texas"

Hello John, Doves, Gino and Lewis -

These two recent letters by Gino and Lewis, respectively, express what I think many of us Believers think - 
Gino wrote:  "Is this not like, years ago, they appeared to men, saying that they were the gods, who were then worshiped as living on Mount Olympus?"
RE: Lewis Brackett: 04.16.23: faux aliens
Lewis wrote, "...and YES this is very soon coming...."
Sci Fi book earily predicting Aliens coming to "help us"
Add this to this unusual story coming out of Texas:
Cattle mutilation: 6 cows found dead with tongue cut out in Texas |

These are typical "alien" mutilations - or demonic mutilations of animals. This has been going on in various states across the U.S. for years - Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Wyoming, New Mexico, etc.

Let’s Talk About Cattle Mutilations - Modern Farmer
Precision (surgical) cuts that removed the hide and left the meat untouched - even coyotes, etc won't touch the meat.

The tongue completely removed.  (Sometimes the eyes are removed.)

External genitalia removed.  (Sometimes the internal sexual organs are surgically removed also)

No blood spill.

No sign of a struggle.

No footprints.  Of coyotes, wolves, humans.

No tire tracks.  

Grass undisturbed around the animals.

Sheriff department looking for more information from the public.

I listened to this rancher talk about his missing 80 head of cattle.  They were with in sight of his house.  He saw and heard nothing.  There were no truck or trailer marks, no big trucks took them, there were no signs of anyone taking them.  They just vanished.  How do 80 cattle vanish?
80 head of Colorado cattle worth $100K missing for weeks | AGDAILY

And this article of 40 dead cows - no wolf tracks, no evidence of wolves around the area.  They just don't know what happened. Dozens of Cattle Slaughtered by Mystery Creature That Left No Tracks

Just more news to make the public wonder about an "alien" presence - if something is taking animals, if something is mutilating/killing cattle....what could they do to humans?
"Millions missing...."

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

