Chance (23 Apr 2023)

Hello EAR,
Thank you for your kind reply.  I've enjoyed reading your letters.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic of the 70th Week of Daniel.
Here's just a few thoughts from me today:
We certainly believe different things about the 70th Week of Daniel.  You believe the 70th Week prophecy of Daniel is finished - ending with Stephen's death in 34 AD.  Some people believe the 70th Week ended with the destruction of the Temple/Jerusalem in 70 AD.  Some people believe there are still 7 years left to be fulfilled (the Seven Year Tribulation)  I believe there are still 3.5 years left to be fulfilled.  (But I could go with a Seven Year Tribulation too - that's what I believed for years.  I can see both sides, but lean more heavily towards a 3.5 Year Tribulation.  I have written letters about this.) 
Yes, as you noted, this is for the Jewish people/Jerusalem -  this "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city", to finish the transgression (Jesus death), to make an end of sins (we are covered by His blood), and make reconciliation for iniquity (we are reconciled to God)....we agree with all of that, but the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, sealing up the vision and prophecy and anointing the most Holy - is Second Coming, in my opinion, is yet future.  I know you disagree with this - stating this was all fulfilled with Jesus' death.
But Jesus isn't finished with His people or His holy city.  All through The Revelation we read of judgments upon the Jewish people and Jerusalem.  To finally bring in everlasting righteousness, anoint Jesus the King, and finish up the prophecy. 
And thank you for explaining why you believe that Stephen's death ended the 70th Week of Daniel.  I understand that you believe that Jesus' ministry was the first 3.5 years of the 70th Week and that Jesus fulfilled all of the prophecies given in Daniel for the 70th Week.  So in order to end the 70th Week you need 3.5 more years.  You believe that Stephen's martyrdom finished those 3.5 years.  Stephen did have a ministry during that time.  He was indeed full of faith and the Holy Spirit and gave an amazing sermon to the Jewish leaders and the Jewish leaders were furious at him.  There was a miracle where Stephen saw the heaven's open and he saw Jesus at the right hand of God. 
You wrote quite a bit about what you believe Stephen's death meant - you have studied this topic quite a bit - some good thoughts here for sure!...these can be read in your letter, so I won't write more about that in this letter: 
Re Chance (9 Apr 2023) Daniel's 70th Week
Also, Paul witnessed the stoning of Stephen - that must have greatly affected him...and added to his 'revelation' later.
As for my belief of the last 3.5 years to finish the 70th Week, I am looking at that 1260 days of Daniel and The Revelation.  (For a 7 year tribulation, two 1260 day time period are added together to finish that last week.)
As for Daniel 9:
Gabriel doesn't tell Daniel about a man and his ministry/martrydom (other than the Anointed one, and a ruler) coming to finish up the 70th Week.  If that finishes the 70th week, where is that?  That would be very important.  ??
Also, what adds to my belief that the 70th Week has not been completed is what Jesus said and did when he went to enter Jerusalem/the Triumphal Entry.
In Luke 19:41, 42 "And when He drew near and saw the city, He wept over it saying, "Would that you, even you, had known on THIS DAY that things that make for peace!  But now they are hidden from your eyes.  For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children with you.  And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because YOU DID NOT KNOW THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION."
This tells me that the prophecy of the 70th Week could not be fulfilled at that time.   I see a pause in the Daniel 9 prophecy.  For the time of the Gentiles.  Then the Trib would bring in the final Jacob's Trouble - dealing with the Jewish people and Jerusalem.
Thank you again.  I enjoyed our "conversation".  And I enjoy your letters to Doves!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Yes, Stephen had a 'calling', but the 70th Week of Daniel only speaks about the coming Messiah and what He will do..there is nothing about a man following Jesus to finish the week. 
I would think that all of the prophecies of this 70th Week had been fulfilled - bringing them all to fulfillment in the death of Jesus - if it were not for a few things that come to mind now -