Chance (23 Apr 2023)
"Neil Lipken"

Hello Neil,
Neil's 9 Apr 2023 letter:
So sorry you are feeling poorly because of the chemo/radiation.  Very, very difficult to deal with these two things. I have personal experience too.  Really sucks.
I am praying that the chemo and radiation eliminates the cancer from your body and then you can recover and start feeling better - it's a slow process.  And I pray you'll be through all of this soon and your body can begin healing.
I pray that during this time, you feel the nearness of G-d and His presence enfolds you.  May He give you strength over any fear and anxiety and patience over difficult moments.  May His Word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path as He guides you through this valley of darkness.
Neil, I look forward to and enjoy reading your letters (and their P.S., P.P.S, P.P.P.S!) each week and had missed seeing them for a month or so now.  Glad to see your letters again.
We appreciate the information your pass on, your insights, and your kindness, and your love and concern for us..  You are much appreciated here.  And your love and concern for your Jewish friends is amazing and inspiring - you always reach out to them for the Lord!
Just do what you are able to do.   We'll do the rest and hold down the fort and keep the candle burning for you as you continue this journey.
May the good Lord bless and keep you!  May He protect you with each treatment and meet all of your needs.
Most sincerely,
"May the One who blessed our ancestors, Patriarchs:  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Matriarchs:  Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah, bless and heal Neil who is ill.  May the Blessed Holy One be filled with compassion for his health to be restored and his strength to be revived.  May G-d swiftly send him a complete healing of body and spirit, and let us say, Amen."