The first image is the decoding of Alpha. And the second is the decoding of Omega.
I did the inverse Omega & Omega codes today so this is not an April's fools joke.
I told Giarcinto that I was 100% sure that I had decoded Alpha, well now you see it clearer than ever.
Number of letters in Genesis 1:1 = 28 = Tri(7)
The two last words of Genesis 1:1 are the only words that can be divided by 37 in this verses, added = 703 = Tri(37)
Total value of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = Tri(73)
7+37+73 = 117 "seven hundred seventy and seven" (E r) = "the seal of God" (E o) = "seven seven seven" שבע שבע שבע (o)