Sean A (3 Apr 2022)
"Something about the fall of Jericho"

2520 is often taken as a divine or prophetic number of completion; the Sabbath is the completion of a 7 day week where each day is a 360 Deg rotation of the earth, so 7×360 = 2520, as in Genesis; the completion of creation week with Earth as the centerpiece. The same earth whose mean diameter is about 7917.5 statute miles ~7917 which equals 2520*pi or 7*360*pi. The Ark of the Covenant, the centerpiece of the Holy of Holies is specified in Exodus 25:20, would be part of this same correlation.

In Hebrew mysticism a number can take on meaning, such as might occur in its phrase. 2520 shows up as a divine number of completion in Daniel 5, in a phrase announcing the end of Babylon (539 BC) in the ‘Writing on the Wall’; Mene, Mene, Tekel, Uparsin – which Daniel interpreted as  ‘God has numbered your kingdom and finished it, you are weighed in the balances and found wanting.’ But these words are Babylonian weight measurements where 1 Mene is 50 Tekels, an Uparsin is half a Mene, and 1 Tekel is 20 gerahs. So, 50 Tekel +50 Tekel +1 Tekel + 25 Tekel = 126 Tekel, or 126×20 gerah = 2520, i.e., here the number 2520 symbolizes a completion or end of the Babylonian kingdom.

Biblical accounts that on their face seem unrelated to prophecy often have a prophetic character, an implied knowledge beyond our ken. Joshua was instructed to march around Jericho once a day for 6 days, and 7 times with trumpets blowing on the 7th day, when Jericho’s walls collapsed.

How are we to make sense of such bizarre instructions but that Jericho means ‘City of the Moon’, and the Moon has a mean diameter of about 2159 statute miles or ~2160; which equals Jericho’s 360 degree encirclement once a day for 6 days (6×360=2160). As if to leave a divine signature, Joshua was then told to encircle Jericho 7 times on the 7th day; (7×360) = 2520, after which Jericho’s walls fell outward.

Apparently what is nonsense in the natural can often be explained in the super-natural. So 2160→2520 can be translated as; City of the Moon... you’re done; or words to that effect.

Archaeologists found the remains of Jericho and uncovered collapsed brick walls that had fallen out rather than in, homes built into walls, a 3 ft layer of burned infrastructure blanketing the city, and burnt baskets filled with grain, evidence of a destruction right after the spring harvest; all findings consistent with the details in the Book of Joshua.