Ray (24 Apr 2022)
"Ezekiel's 40 years iniquity of Judah, my perspective"


John and Doves,

From Ezekiel 430 years iniquity of Israel and Judah, God separates these 430 years into 390 years for Israel and 40 years for Judah. Later in Ezekiel 4:9-17, God turns the 390 years into a 390 days siege against Jerusalem. These 390 days siege is still waiting for it's fulfillment. It shall be fulfilled during the second half of tribulation. Question is, what about the 40 years iniquity of Judah? When shall God recompense Judah for their 40 years iniquity?

Israel came back as a nation on May 14 1948. Between 1948 and 1949, they fought the Independence War. It was until 1949 their settlement finally
 began. Because they still reject Jesus as their Messiah, God links them to those days Israelis left Egypt, and how their ancestors showed disbelief in God. For this same reason, God has left Israelis in "wilderness" and the promised land wandering for 41 years
 without A King and A Messiah. Adding 41 years to 1949, we come to 1990 years. Jesus did not return to Israel in 1990 to establish God's kingdom on earth. I believe God has added the 40 years iniquity of Judah to 1990, in order to recompense Judah for their
 40 years iniquity against Him. Adding 40 years to 1990, we come to 2030. By 2030, God's punishment on Israel and Judah is complete. Jesus shall return to Judah to establish God's kingdom on earth, and reconcile with Israel and Judah. Below is the illustration
 of my thought.

1949 Settlement of Israel and Judah began --------- God left them wandering in promised land for 41 years without a King and Messiah, the
 same punishment God laid on their ancestors after they left Egypt, for they still reject Jesus as their Messiah -------- 1990 -------- 40 years iniquity of Judah kicks in, God recompense Judah for their 40 years iniquity against Him by leaving them wandering
 in promised land for another 40 years -------- 2030, Jesus returns to Israel to establish God's kingdom on earth, God finally reconciles with Israel and Judah.
