Neil Lipken (3 Apr 2022)
"Interesting Anomaly"

This was sent to me this morning from a friend, and I find this most interesting.   The big question is are the dates accurate for the start of World War I and World War II?   If someone could research that for me it would be appreciated!   I am sure all of you know that at least Fox News has been throwing the term "World War III" around ever since the Russia / Ukraine war began.   We are now a month into that and it has not stopped.   Could this war expand and lead to the "sudden destruction" / Rapture event?   Possibly, we don't know.   But we do know that we are now approaching 74 years into these End Times from the establishment of the State of Israel in May of 1948.   So regardless of the outcome of this war the hour is late in these End Times, as we are the "generation" (that generation to see Israel's return) to see all end time events fulfilled!   And that includes the upcoming Rapture, 7 year Tribulation Period (Daniel's 70th week), and the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ.   Micah 5:2, Psalm 22:14-18, and all of Isaiah 53 clearly tell us in the Tanakh (Old Testament) Who Israel's Messiah is!   It is a no-brainer!   And there are many places in the Bible that describe Israel's unbelief!   John 14:6 in the New Testament tells us that eternal life can only be achieved through Christ.   There is no other way!
